life goes on

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the group was all back together having fun and laughing together

"wow i can't believe you're the first out of us to get married" shabeela said
"for real i expected it to be you and joshua" hajra said
"hajra you look so amazing in your dress omg i think i'm gonna cry" sana said getting teary eyed, she started to fan her face to prevent her makeup from getting smudged
"hey so where's soobin? did he not come with you guys?" hajra asked
"what you invited him too!?!?" laila asked
"well yeah...why would i not?" hajra asked confused
"causeee we broke up!" laila said
"i mean, half the people in this group broke up too but-"
"no i mean recently, like he cheated on me" laila said cutting her off
"oh..." hajra said
"well cant you just uninvite him or something???" laila said
"it's kinda too late for that...but i doubt he'll come anyways, the weddings almost over so" hajra said

"hey congrats man" joshua said
"thanks man, when are you gonna propose though" jay asked him nudging him with his elbow
"woah you put him on the spot" jeonghan said
"i don't know man...soon soon" joshua said

they opened their gifts and shabeelas toaster came last
hajra started tearing up

"see i told you, what a dumb gift" joshua said to shabeela
"oh shabeela thank you! we needed a portable toaster, we're traveling so much, this is so thoughtful" hajra said as she gave shabeela a hug

shabeela gave joshua a look and stuck her tongue out

the bride and groom had their dance as a beautiful song played for them
they looked into each others eyes for what felt like ages until people started joining them on the dance floor
the song changed into a more fun one and everyone started dancing together

shabeela and joshua were dancing together
terry and kai were in the middle of a dance circle break dancing with beomgyu to the side beatboxing and hyping them up
jeonghan, farwa, afeefa, and jake we're dancing as a group passing each other around
sana and haechan were holding each other close and dancing
and yeonjun and laila were getting closer and closer to each other as the night went on

"hey so i was wondering" yeonjun said as he continued to dance
"mhm wondering what?" laila asked looking to to him
"i was wondering if you'd want to give this a second chance?" he asked
"you're asking me that now??" laila asked raising her eyebrow and tilting her head
"i-is it a bad time?" he asked
"i'll answer your question once we get back yo the hotel hm?" she said pulling his neck closer to her but not kissing him

she just smiled and continued to dance
he let air out if his mouth and shook his head smiling
he grabbed her waist and danced along with her
yeonjun couldn't stop smiling
was he finally gonna end up with the girl he's been longing for since highschool


yeonjun turned around to be met with a fist to his face
he stumbled back a bit and felt his lip
he was bleeding
he looked up to see soobin with a red face and clenched fist

"i told you i wasn't gonna let you off like that" he said walking towards him
"SECURITY!!" hajra yelled
"listen man i don't want to fight, you got your punch in so let's call it even" yeonjun said
"no i'll call it even when i feel like it" soobin lunged towards yeonjun and pushed him down

yeonjun fell back and hit his head on the stage
he didn't get up to punch soobin back...

"YOU cheated, yeonjun had nothing to do with it just leave soobin!!!" laila pushed him away

soobin had no words instead he left
what could he even say at this point

"SOMEONE HELP!!! YEONJUNS NOT WAKING UP!!" beomgyu yelled from the floor while he held yeonjun
"HIS HEAD IS BLEEDING!!" terry yelled
"CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" kai yelled

what a disaster
how did such a fun wedding end up like this


yeonjun was brought to the hospital and everyone had said their sorry goodbyes to the bride and groom

"well that was a disaster" hajra said as she plopped down on a chair
"yeah, i just hope he's okay...what was soobins problem" jay said
"laila said something about him cheating" hajra said


everyone had left italy a month ago

"hey come on, we gotta go see yeonjun now..." afeefa said
"d-do i have to..." laila said wiping her tears off her face
"do you not want to?" afeefa said
"it's just that...i'm kind of the reason this happened" laila said
"hey don't think like that, it's not your fault" afeefa said
"but i can't help but think it is" laila said bursting into tears

afeefa comforted her
once laila calmed down they got up and got the flowers laid on her desk to bring to yeonjun

laila was waiting to see yeonjun with her flowers on her lap
other people were there waiting to see yeonjun as well
it seemed like he was very loved
although laila was just starting to, why couldn't she just love him all those years ago

soon it was laila's turn to see him
she walked slowly and nervously
she went up to him and smiled
he didn't smile back...

"i'm so sorry for what happened...if i could do anything i'd turn back time and choose you, i'd love you, i wouldn't have left you alone in that classroom after that kiss, instead i would've stayed and done everything in my power to prevent this moment, i love you yeonjun, and i know it's too late to say that, but i know now...i love you" laila said full on sobbing

yeonjun didn't say a word to her at all

instead he laid there lifeless in his tuxedo
laila placed her flowers with the others and left his casket

laila saw everyone stood in a group and walked up to them crying
they all embraced her and cried with her as well
they didn't think this moment would come so soon


it seemed like every time this group was together something bad happened
with every good memory they made, they made an equal but bad one
they didn't really meet up with each other anymore after that

yesterday by apart took a brief break and postponed their tour dates for the loss of their friend
shabeela and joshua had gotten engaged and married, kids filled their apartment which became too small to hold them all, so they bought a house
afeefa and jake had gotten together, then broke up, then got together, then broke up, and this basically continued as an on and off again relationship because jake just couldn't stay loyal and afeefa was too blindly in love
jake continued his soccer career and became extremely famous off of it
laila didn't know what to do with her love life, it seemed too tragic, she decided to take a break from relationships and focus on what she wanted to do
sana and haechan stayed together and still visited shabeela and joshua every holiday
haechan became shabeela and joshua's kids favorite uncle
hajra and jay still traveled the world and updated all their socials on each view they saw
farwa still waited at the same bar and eventually became manager, though she wanted something more so she tried college again to expand her career choices
jeonghan became an even more successful business man and started a family of his own

they all went on with their lives sometimes reminiscing on past memories but never reaching out
the group never met up again but it's ok because...
life goes on

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