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laila and yeonjun walked together before class
they were supposed to talk about the project
but their conversation took another turn

"wait if you don't even like football why do you play???" laila asked
"i feel like i'm supposed to" yeonjun said
"what do you mean?" she asked
"well i feel like it's what people want me to be so" he said not thinking much of it
"ummmm i still don't get it...if you don't like football then don't play???" she said
"it's not that simple" he rolled his eyes
"mmmm i feel like it is that simple" she said back

this was a conversation yeonjun never had with sana
he didn't connect with sana like he did with laila
he didn't know why
he couldn't explain it
why was it so easy talking to laila
he would tell her his whole life story
that's how easy it was with laila
he didn't feel like he had to be someone he wasn't


afeefa walked into class already seeing jake and laila sat
she sat with them and started conversation
the three talked
afeefa payed more attention to jake than laila
laila felt like a third wheel

afeefa noticed herself ignoring laila
she asked laila a question

"i saw you walking with yeonjun earlier...are you guys together or what" she said giggling a bit
"what? no he's with sana, and i wouldn't wanna be with him anyways" laila said rolling her eyes
"wait why?" jake asked
"i don't know hes just so...artificial" laila said
"huh" afeefa and jake said not understanding what laila meant
"like he doesn't even do the things he likes, he just does things so the people around him like him, he just wants to impress people" laila explained
"oh?" this was new news to jake
"is that why he skips practice sometimes...cause he doesn't like it?" jake asked
"ya probably" laila said
"where does he even go then?" afeefa asked
"i don't know...wanna find out?" jake suggested
"what? like follow him secretly to see where he goes?" laila asked
"ya! it will be fun" jake said
"what about practice? you would have to skip too you know?" afeefa said

she worries he might get in trouble for skipping his football practice
she saw how mean their coach was

"oh who cares, yeonjun skips all the time, it wouldn't hurt to skip just once" he said rolling his eyes and assuring afeefa it would be fine

they made the plan to figure out what class yeonjun has last period and follow him from there


it was now lunch
farwa sana and hajra sat together
sana was with yeonjun
hajra was with jay
farwa was with no one

"hey i'm gonna use the bathroom i'll be back" farwa said getting up and walking off

she went to go find jeonghan
they didn't even seem like a couple
if she didn't even believe it then who would
she found jeonghan with joshua

"jeonghan i need to talk to you" she said to him
"mmm ok???" he said confused

she never really approached him first
joshua left them alone for a bit

"do you want us to seem like a couple or not" she said directly
"what?" he said
"like you say you want us to be a "couple" to get girls to back off you but you're not really putting much effort into making it seem like it" she said
"well it didn't really seem couply when you pushed me off of you earlier" he said back
"cause that was just unexpected" she said shifting her eyes now
"ya ok but i gave you that necklace, that was my effort" he said
"well it's seeming pointless let's just stop" she said
"huh???" he said
"i'll still do your homework but i won't come to practice and i won't act like your girlfriend anymore" farwa said
"what? no! why?" jeonghan protested
"it's dumb and a waste of time" she said walking off
"THEN ILL TELL EVERYONE!!" he yelled out to her
"I DONT CAREEE JUST DO IT THEN" she yelled back to him


shabeela walked around lunch and found her sister
she ditched her friends and sat with sana
her friends weren't comforting her
she didn't even think they knew what was going on with her
they were too invested in themselves

"hey shabeela what's wrong?" sana said concerned for her sister
"stupid joshua doesn't like me" she said
"oh he doesn't really date" jay explained
"he doesn't like choco-"
"I KNOW" she cut jay off

farwa came back at this point


jeonghan felt bad
why did he threaten her
he wasn't actually going to tell anybody
he never planned on telling anybody since the first time he found out
he went to find farwa

he saw she was sitting with her friends and went to sit as well
he saw and gave farwa a sorry look
she just looked away from him

just then someone walks by

"VERNON!?!?" jeonghan exclaimed
"JEONGHAN!?!?" vernon exclaimed as well
"who tf is this" shabeela asked curious about the handsome boy
"OH this is my old friend vernon" jeonghan explained
"he moved in middle school so we lost contact" he explained some more
"i didn't even know you went to this school omg what a coincidence" vernon said as he sat down
"well a friend of jeonghan is a friend of ours too" the boys of the football team said as they asked questions and got comfortable with the new boy sat at the table

they all laughed and talked at the table


joshua walked around looking for jeonghan
jeonghan kinda left him to find farwa

joshua stopped when he saw shabeela sitting with everybody
but the reason he stopped wasn't because he saw her
it was because he saw her laughing with a new boy
why did joshua feel this way
why was he...jealous

he walked off to buy a juice and went to sit with them too
he sat across shabeela
he gave her the juice
everybody stared at him
they never seen him pay attention to anyone else but his friends

shabeela was even more shocked
why was he all of a sudden paying attention to her?
wasn't it kinda late?
she hesitantly took the juice and thanked him
he got up and left without saying a word

"what was that" sana asked
"i don't even know" jeonghan said


jake laila and afeefa walked around looking for yeonjun
jake spotted yeonjun
he told the two girls to wait
he approached the table and sat with them

"hey guys" he greeted them

they all greeted him back
hajra saw afeefa and laila watching them from afar
she knew what was happening
he was gonna find out his last period
she couldn't do it because it would've been weird and random for her to ask

"hey so yeonjun..." jake said
"ya?" yeonjun said
"what class do you have last period" jake asked directly and out of the blue
"i have history in room 16...why?" yeonjun said
"no reason OK BYE" jake said and ran off
"that was weird" yeonjun said

yeonjun saw jake run to laila and afeefa
he met eyes with laila
he smiled at her
she smiled back
sana noticed
she didn't do anything about it
what could she do

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