music class

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shabeela went to her class
she sat down in her seat next to jeonghan
today they had to take a test

"hey you need a pencil" shabeela asked jeonghan
"mmmm no i have one" he said and looked at her weirdly

why is she being nice all of a sudden jeonghan thought

class started and they took the test
once they were finished with the test they were allowed to go back to their seat and talk and do whatever while the teacher graded their tests
jeonghan finished first
shabeela finished shortly after

"hey so you know that joshua guy right?" shabeela asked jeonghan
"ya he's my friend" jeonghan answered

jeonghan was looking down and drawing on a piece of paper, barely paying any attention to shabeela

"ok so like...does he gay or something??" shabeela asked hesitantly

jeonghan stops drawing and looks at her confused

"ummm no he's not. but why do you ask?" jeonghan said
"so then why won't he pay attention to me at all!?" shabeela said angrily
"i don't know" he said simply
"well does he have a girlfriend or does he like someone???" she kept going
"ya he likes someone" jeonghan said with a slight smile
"what? who?" she asked
"why do you want to know???" he asked
"cause i need him to like me" she said desperately
"ohhhh this is why you're talking to meee" jeonghan said

he finally understood kinda late

"you need my help to make him like you huh?" he said
"yessss! so you'll help me?" she asked
"mmmm no" he said
"what? why???" she asked
"what's in it for me" he said
"omg can't you just do something nice for once??? out of the goodness of your heart??" she said
"why does everyone want me to just do things for them with nothing in return" he said rolling his eyes
"ok i'll do your homework for you, and let you cheat off me in tests" shabeela said desperately trying to make the boy help her

just then their graded tests came back
jeonghan got an A+
shabeela got a C

"ya i don't think i need your help" jeonghan said looking at her graded paper
"WHAT?? HOW!?" she said in disbelief
"you didn't even take notes or pay attention yesterday!?" she continued still trying to understand how he got such a good grade
"cause i'm smart" he rolled his eyes

the bell rings
jeonghan gets up to leave

"no wait please i'll do anything just tell me things he likes and stuff pleaseeee" she begged him

jeonghan stood and thought for a bit
his face lit up when he got an idea

"how about you get me information on what farwa likes" he said
"what do i know about her??" she asked
"i don't know she's your sisters friend isn't she? just find something out" he said rolling his eyes
"ok? but why do you want to know about her??" she asked confused
"what? your big mouthed sister didn't tell you?" he said
"do you like her or something?!?" she continued
"what no?? we're sort of dating now so i have to know things about her" he said
"you don't like her but you guys are dating?" she asked confused as ever
"it's complicated now bye" he said walking off
"WAIT SO YOU'LL HELP ME!?" she yelled out to the boy who was already out the door

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