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shabeela and sana were at home waiting at the dinner table with food all over it anxious to have this dinner
it was quiet around the table, no one was talking, just waiting

*doorbell rings*

oh thank god this was so awkward...shabeela thought

"i'll get it!" shabeela got up and bolted to the door leaving sana in the awkwardness

shabeela went to open the door to see joshua in a black turtle neck and gold chain, beomgyu right behind him with his best blue button up and tie

"omg thank god you came, i was dying of awkwardness" shabeela said relieved
"but it's probably only gonna get more awkward from now on so just bear with it for the next 30 minutes" she added
"it's okay we'll get through it" he said bringing her in for a kiss

she pushed him away dodging his kiss

"nuh uh none of that" she said not wanting to show affection infront of her parents, it would just be too awkward
"beomgyu wtf are you? you're dressed like a middle schooler going to his first dance" shabeela said noticing beomgyu
"ok ouch i thought i looked so good" beomgyu said offended

she invited them in and brought them to the dining area
joshua sat across from shabeela, and beomgyu sat across from sana
the two parents on each side of the long table

"hi i'm joshua" he said shaking their step dads hand and kissing their mothers hand
"oh what a gentleman" their mom gushed
"...a-and i'm beomgyu..." he said not even making eye contact with the parents
"um, okay let's eat i guess" their mother said

they started to eat the food their professional cook made for them and started to make conversation

"so joshua, you play football correct?" their mother asked
"yes, we just had our game today." he said
"did you win" their step dad asked directly
"yes sir" he said politely
"omg yes they did it was so cool, jeonghan passed the ball across the field to joshua and then he tackled someone and then yeonjun got tackled but then jake-"
"beomgyu" sana said in a hushed tone hinting for him to stop rambling
"oh...sorry" he said looking down at his plate
"oh no it's fine sweety...where's yeonjun anyways, did he not come because he was hurt from the tackle?" their mom asked looking to sana
"um mom, yeonjuns not coming...he's my boyfriend..." sana said a bit ashamed
"who? beomgyu?" their dad asked
"y-yes" sana said scared
"oh...haha i thought you were joshua's little brother or something" their mom said awkwardly
"sana this better be a joke" their step dad said through gritted teeth
"no dad it isn't" sana said with new found confidence
"he's your boyfriend? what happened to yeonjun?!" their step dad said raising his voice
"now honey, be nice" their mom said trying to be nice
"no! you couldn't be like shabeela? with a nice boyfriend who plays football and could bring up your status??!!" he said
"we'll thanks i'm flattered" joshua said not reading the room
"i-im not with joshua for stat-"
"SHUT UP!!" he yelled cutting shabeela off

joshua's and beomgyus eyes went wide
what did they get in the middle of

"no dad why does everything have to be about status???" sana said defending beomgyu

suddenly everyone at the table got quiet
beomgyu and joshua feeling awkward to be in the middle of this mess

"um boys maybe you should go to the other room for a bit, i apologize" their mom said
"uh yes ma'am..." joshua said giving a worried look to shabeela and walking off
"don't have to tell me twice" beomgyu muttered to himself following joshua to another room

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