hidden marks

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sana and shabeela both woke up with bruises on their faces
they knew they had to try their best to hide it
they didn't want anyone else to worry
they caked on foundation and headed off to school

"you didn't tell anyone about him right?" shabeela asked making sure sana wasn't telling people about their step dad
"...no" sana replied cautiously remembering beomgyu was there when her step dad yelled at her when beomgyu snuck in
"ok good, cause remember what happened last time. it looks like you like these friends so try harder to keep them" shabeela said

sana looked to the floor remembering what happened last time she told people what her father did

she had a friend back then
an actual one
before farwa and hajra even knew sana
she told her friend everything
including what her abusive father would do
her friend only tried to help...he called the police
he thought it would save sana
instead their step dad bribed the police and threatened to take everything his family had if they didn't move
sana was told to cut ties with her friend
the beating only got worse because of that
and she never saw her friend again
sana wasn't willing to risk losing her current friends
so she kept quiet


joshua was stood outside waiting for shabeela at the front of the school
he saw her walking with sana and waved to her
shabeela ran over to him leaving sana
joshua picked her up and twirled her giving her kisses all over her face not even letting her breathe

"eeeeewwww" jeonghan said walking up to the school and covering his eyes
"guys it's been a day don't have a baby" he said rolling his eyes
"omg shut up don't you have a girlfriend?? go accompany her" shabeela said rolling her eyes
"for real you're never with her" joshua followed rolling his eyes too
"ummm yes i ammm with her all the time which is whyyy i need to give her space and time to work out my homecoming proposal" jeonghan rolled his eyes back

sana finally caught up with them

"gross" she said as she walked by
"see it's not just me" jeonghan said sticking his tongue out
"what are you, 5?" shabeela said
"shut up that's why your foundations cakey" jeonghan shot back

shabeela stayed quiet knowing the reason for her cakey foundation

"oh you actually got offended...ok bye then" jeonghan said raising his hand to fist bump joshua

shabeela flinched when she saw jeonghans raised fist
she brought her hands up to her face to guard it
it wasn't like she thought he would punch her
it was just instinct
jeonghan and joshua just froze staring at shabeela
shabeela removed her hands from her face slowly and noticed them both staring

"sh-shabeela are you-"
"DONT ask if i'm okay" she cut joshua off
"what!? you would flinch if someone raised a fist to you too!!!" she said as she stormed off

jeonghan and joshua stood shocked and looked at each other
jeonghans fist still in the air awaiting the fist bump

"you be hitting her?" jeonghan said covering his mouth and widening his eyes
"what? no!?" joshua said offended as to why jeonghan would even consider that
"then what was that?" jeonghan asked still wide eyed and curious
"i don't know..." joshua said hesitantly
"why did she flinch over a fist bump..." joshua asked
"idk...you should check on her" jeonghan said worried


sana walked into school still having some time before her class so she went to find beomgyu to give her answer
she found beomgyu at his locker with yeonjun

"hey sana...was everything ok yesterday?" he asked worried a bit
"huh?...OH ya don't worry about that haha" she said
"i actually wanted to tell you...i will go to
homecoming with you" she said smiling
"wait really??? i was worried you used your step dad as an excuse to avoid going with me" he said relieved
"what? nooo never" she said shaking her hands and head
"so you're gonna go with me?" he said wanting her to confirm
"i mean we were always gonna go together" she said
"ya but now we're going...together" he said smiling

they stood smiling at each other too shy to make eye contact for too long

"ummmm ok imma go" yeonjun said pointing his thumb over his shoulder

sana and beomgyu completely forgot he was there


laila was walking the halls with afeefa and jake who were hand in hand as if they were glued to each other
laila hates third wheeling with them the most
they were too all over each other
yeonjun saw laila walking with them and saw the visible discomfort on her face
he walked up to them

"hey laila wanna walk with me to class?" he said trying to separate her from the couple
"um no? why would i" she said still bitter about yesterday
"oh come on, i can tell by your face you don't wanna walk with them" yeonjun said
"uh why what's wrong with us?" afeefa said raising an eyebrow
"ya what's wrong with us?" jake said putting his hands on his hips
"more like what's wrong with your face" yeonjun said
"oh ya...i got in a fight" jake said all proud as if he won
"he got beat up" afeefa corrected him
"ya it was hilarious, i wasn't even there, but i wish i was" laila said
"ok well imma steal laila from you guys" he said grabbing laila's hand and pulling her away before she could protest

the bell rang
jake and afeefa headed off to class
yeonjun walked a bit before the halls became empty
then he stopped walking and still held on to laila's hand

"um hello can you let go i gotta go to class" laila said trying to get yeonjuns hand off of hers
"damn boy do you use super glue as lotion let me go" she continued trying to get his grip off of her
"i wanna talk" he said simply
"??? ok then talk while we walk to class???" she said making a confused face to him
"no i wanna talk, about yesterday" he said
"w-what about yesterday" laila started getting nervous
"in the car..." he said starting to smile seeing her get nervous
"oh ya that...we didn't even do nothing there's nothing to talk about" she said
"but you wanted to do something...didn't you" he said teasing her
"um no, now let me go" she rolled her eyes

yeonjun just took laila's other hand as well and brought them up above her head as he backed her up against the locker
hia face was 3 inches away from her face like it was yesterday
laila got the same feelings as yesterday
they both closed their eyes
it didn't seem like yeonjun would back out this time
they got closer, lips almost touching

"ayo wtf" jeonghan said walking down the hall

yeonjun bolted off of laila and put his hands in his pockets not knowing where else to put them
laila shook her head back to reality

"you guys are just kids, you need to chill out" jeonghan said
"you're only a year older??" yeonjun said
"so what?" jeonghan rolled his eyes
"go back to class and get some education you nastys" jeonghan said

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