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what is happening? why is he holding my arm?? what's up with all the attention lately?? he's acting weird shabeelas mind going all over the place

she had to compose her self

"w-what are you doing?" shabeela said to joshua who was still holding on to her arm
"stop hanging out with him" joshua said directly

jeonghan stood disappointed, sighed deeply and face palmed his face

"what!?" shabeela said shocked as to why he would even say something like that
"woah i don't want any problems...shabeela if this is your boyfriend-" vernon said before getting cut off
"what? no! he's not my boyfriend...so i don't know why he's acting like this all of a sudden" shabeela glared at joshua
"no i just-" joshua started
"NO JOSHUA!! you had your chance why are you all of a sudden acting like you own me!?!?" she yelled to him
"but i liked having you around" joshua said
"what? so i'm supposed to just stick around you while you pay no attention to me???" shabeela said
"no like...i liked having you all over me and-"
"OMG joshua stop you're making it worse" jeonghan butted in

shabeela yanked her arm out of joshua's grip and walked off
vernon just stood not knowing what to do

"you should probably check on her" jeonghan suggested
"ok ya" vernon said running off to shabeela

jeonghan looked disappointed to joshua who was staring at the floor
he didn't want to make eye contact with anyone
he was so ashamed

"you're horrible at expression feelings you know?" jeonghan said to him
"...i know" joshua admitted

jeonghan comforted his friend and they headed off to class

"what is that anyways" joshua asked jeonghan who was holding a boom box
"oh it's for later" jeonghan said
"what do you mean?" joshua asked curios, trying to get his mind off of what just happened
"you'll see at lunch" he said


hajra was waiting outside her house
jay was supposed to meet her
they were supposed to walk to school together

he was late
by only 5 minutes
but hajra couldn't help but to over think

where tf is he? omg is this it...is he leaving me??? am i too embarrassing? he's too perfect i don't deserve someone like him hajra thought beating herself down

just then an expensive car pulls up
hajra was creeped out
until she saw who was driving

"JAY!?" she said surprised

he rolled down the window and smirked

"you like?" he said showing off
"WHEN DID YOU GET A CARRR" hajra exclaimed
"JUST TODAY" he also exclaimed
"OMGGG" hajra yelled
"AHHHHH" jay also yelled

they both fan girled over the car
jay got out and opened the door for hajra
hajra hopped in

"omg is this why you were late" she said relieved
"yaaa sorry i should've told you, i wanted to drive you everywhere instead of calling ubers for you" jay explained
"omg good i thought you weren't gonna come" hajra said hesitantly
"huh??? why would i not come?" jay said laughing lightly and holding hajras hand
"i don't know i just thought...oh nevermind, let's just drive!" hajra said

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