break in

12 0 0

"um sir i'm gonna need everyone in this vehicle to step out" the officer said backing away making room for the door to open
"uh ok one moment sir" the driver said pretending to take off his seatbelt but instead zoomed off leaving the officer behind

"HEY GET BACK HERE" the officer yelled

he got in his cop car and started chasing after them

"AHH WTF ARE YOU DOING WONT WE GET IN TROUBLE" yeonjun yelled to the driver suddenly sobering up a bit
"you'd get in more trouble if your parents found out you were drinking" the driver said

the driver was zooming between cars going wayyy over the speed limit nearly crashing a few times
the people in the back were all over each other bumping, and hitting heads, falling on the floor
it was a mess

laila looked out the back to see 2 more police vehicles chasing behind them now

"WHAT THE SHIT?!?" laila exclaimed
"WHAT WHAT" yeonjun said whipping his head to laila
"THERES 3 POLICE CARS AFTER US" laila said frantically
"OMG HOW COOLLL" jay yelled
"NOT COOLLL WHAT" hajra yelled nervously
"guys just chillllll" jeonghan said half asleep
"WAKE UP WERE GONNA GO TO JAIL" shabeela yelled

"guys there's a food compartment and they have chickennnnn" yeonjun said waving a chicken leg around
"boy put that away" afeefa said
"ok i'll put it in my pocket" yeonjun said
"EW NOT YOUR POCKET" laila yelled

"guys i think i'm gonna be sick" beomgyu said
"ew don't you dare bro" joshua said
"why would you say that now i gotta puke" laila said covering her mouth
"ewww sameee" farwa said heavily breathing

beomgyu stuck his head out the window and threw up
his throw up went all over the police cars front window causing him to abruptly stop
this caused the 2 other police cars to crash into him causing an accident as the limo zoomed off

the kids made it to the school somewhat alive
they all stumbled out the limo
none of them walking a straight line

"jeonghan wake up we're here" farwa said tapping him

he didn't wake up

"REALY!?!?" shabeela and laila said at the same time as their faces lit up

farwa slapped him across the face and he jolted awake

"OH WTF" jeonghan said holding his cheek
"ok never mind he's fine" farwa said relieved
"ugh" shabeelas and laila's face showed visible disappointment

"what...just happened" yeonjun said holding his head
"alright...let's go to homecoming...and have a good time" jake said trying to catch his breath

they all started walking towards the entrance

"waittttt we can't go through the front" jeonghan stopped everyone
"huhhhh whyyy" farwa asked
"becauseee we ditched school earlier for afeefaaaa rememberrrrr don't you think they'll stop us" jeonghan said
"omg yaaa" shabeela remembered
"what do we do then??" hajra asked
"we need to sneak innnn" yeonjun said crouching down as if he was hiding

they made a plan to sneak in from the back and still make it into the dance which was in the schools gym
they planned to jump the back gate, run across the field and make it into the gym which was a seperate building from the school
they were collecting tickets at the front of the school, but no one was infront of the gym doors to collect money, so it was a perfect plan

12 drunk kids only two of which who had a high tolerance jumping gates and running fields to make it to the school dance
how bad could it go...

so they headed off to the back of the school to hop the fence

"okay step on my hand" yeonjun said as he held out his hand for laila to step on and jump over the fence

she made it over and waited for the rest

"wait leave your hand there" afeefa said as she hopped over the fence too using him
"wow okay just use me" yeonjun said sarcastically

everybody hopped over the fence with yeonjuns help
now he just had to climb the fence
he made it to the top of the fence and all he had to do was make it down
when suddenly

"HEY WHOS THERE" a security yells while flashing a light straight to yeonjun
"WHAT THE SHIT IM LEAVING" laila said as she ran off leaving everyone
"JUST JUMPPP" jay yelled to him
"OMG WERE GONNA LEAVE YOU WTF" hajra said as she started running off
"ITS OKAY ILL SACRIFICE MYSELF GOOO" he yelled trying to be heroic

everyone else started to run while the security got closer and yeonjun was still stuck up on the fence
laila looked back and saw everyone running on the field and leaving yeonjun at the top of the fence
she deeply sighed and ran towards him
it was like a race
who would get to yeonjun first, the security or laila

"NO LAILA ITS OKAY GO I SACRIFICE MYSELFFF" he said to laila who was running towards him
"BOY YOU AINT SACRIFICING SHIT" she yelled as she pulled him down and he fell on top of her
"owwww" laila groaned
"omg you saved me" he said
"yeah yeah let's go" laila said as she got up and started running with yeonjun right behind her and the security opening the gate with his keys

they started running the field trying to catch up with everyone else, when they heard something


everyone looked back and saw 2 black doberman dogs with the security guard running towards them

everyone started running twice the speed as they were filled with panic and fear

"AHHH WTF THERES DOGS" shabeela said nearly dying
"WHAT THE SHIT" jeonghan yelled
"THATS MY LINE" laila yelled
"SHUT UP AND JUST RUNNNN" sana yelled to them two
"SHUT UP" everyone yelled in unison cutting yeonjun off


"AHHHHAGGGGGG" afeefa screamed
"WERE GONNA DIEEEE" hajra yelled
"I CANT RUN ANYMOREEEE" beomgyu yelled
"MY KNEE IS GONNA POPPPP" farwa yelled
"MY LEGS ARE GONNA GIVE OUT" jake screamed
"WHY DOES THAT MATTER NOW" joshua yelled

they all hid behind a wall around the corner hoping that security and his dogs didn't see

"everyone be quiettttt" jeonghan shushed the already silent group
"boy you the loudest one here" farwa said

the two dogs were sniffing around the area about to turn the corner

"do something!!!" afeefa whisper yelled
"omg my chicken!" yeonjun whispered
"what?!" everyone said

yeonjun took a chicken leg out of his pocket and threw it away from them hoping the dogs would follow it
and his plan succeeded
the dogs ran towards the chicken and the security ran towards the dogs thinking they caught the kids

everybody then ran straight towards the gymnasium and entered the dance

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