inner thoughts

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farwa was about to sleep but she was reminded of the necklace jeonghan gave her when she looked in the mirror
it was a nice necklace
quite expensive too
she liked the necklace

does he like me? do i like him? farwa thought
no. we're just pretending farwa she thought referring to herself

their relationship only consisted of jeonghan picking her up from her home to bring her to practice
and him giving his homework after practice
she didn't even think he gave her version to the teacher
other than that they see each other in the hallway from time to time
she expected to see him more often now that they're "dating"

she planned to talk to him about it tomorrow
they needed to act like a couple for it to be believable
if he really wanted girls to back off of him he really wasn't giving much effort

she remembered again
the necklace
that was an effort...kinda


afeefa was at home thinking before bed
it was her first time being alone with jake
her mind was all over the place
she didn't know what to think

she was relived that he didn't have feelings for hajra
but now she had to worry about making him fall for her

she thought more of the car ride
she remembered every detail of that ride
it was engraved into her brain
she even remembered the time he dropped her off... 7:22

she thought some more
it kinda felt like he was...flirting with her

was he flirting with me... afeefa thought
"HAHAHA AFEEFA YOURE SO CRAZY OF COURSE HE WASNT" she said out loud to herself
so then why did he ask if i wanted him to ask about me??? afeefa thought
"oh who cares" she said aloud

she got her mind off of that part of the conversation and focused on the other parts
she sat in her bed thinking of the things they said and the things they laughed about
they had a lot in common
they both loved ramen noodles an inhumane amount
and they both loved dogs
in fact jake even had one, named layla

he asked if afeefa would like to meet her
HE asked HER
maybe it was a start


laila was also at home thinking before sleep
she talked a lot with yeonjun at his place
he even complimented her outfit

but she saw how he was with sana
he didn't even look at her once at his place
he put on a performance for people
she didn't even think their relationship was real
they probably just did it for popularity

"he should be in the entertainment business for the performance he puts on" laila thought

laila promised to never get with someone who's feelings weren't genuine
if he was fake with sana what's stopping him from being fake with her?


it was the next day at school
shabeela had brought one chocolate cupcake
she walked happily in the hall looking for a specific someone
she saw joshua walking with jeonghan
she approached them

"hey joshua" she said with the biggest smile on her face
"um hello" he said
"hello???" jeonghan said too
"shut up no one was talking to you" shabeela said rolling her eyes

she shifted her attention back to joshua

"here, i made this for you" she said holding out the chocolate cupcake to him
"why" he said dryly
"well...what do you think it means" she said
"i don't know" he kept his dry tone
"i'm giving it to you in hopes we can keep in touch" she said shyly

she shoved the chocolate cupcake in his hands and ran off
she was down the hall when she looked back at him
she saw him give his cupcake to jeonghan
jeonghan happily took it

shabeela walked off disappointed and went to class
she sat in her seat and jeonghan sat a little while after

what is wrong with joshua...i literally gave him my number and he threw it, i fell infront of him and he ignored me, and now i took time out of my sleep to make him a cupcake and he gave it away shabeela thought

"what's wrong" jeonghan said noticing the sad look on shabeelas face
"i give up" she said
"what? this class isn't even that hard you just need to study or like pay attention or something" he rambled on
"no. i give up on joshua" she said
"oh. well it's not like he would've went out with you" he said

she glared at jeonghan

"well i'm just saying he doesn't really date" he said rolling his eyes
"but i made him chocolate cupcakes, who would give that away, i can bake for him all the time, why is he passing that up." she rambled on
"oh he doesn't like chocolate" jeonghan said
"...YOU TOLD ME HE LIKES CHOCOLATE" she yelled at him
"i know i just said that cause i knew he would give it to me then, since you didn't want to give me one" he rolled his eyes
"WHAT DO YOU- ugh who cares i give up on him anyways" she said feeling defeated
"ok i'll tell him" jeonghan said
"why would you tell him? it's not like he cares." she said


sana hajra and farwa were at their lockers
they were talking a little more friendlier to each other than normal
it's like their moods were brought up lately

"so tell me about you and jeonghan" hajra said genuinely curious
"oh haha he's nothing really, we just started dating" farwa said trying to brush it off
"ya but, what's he like" sana said pushing the conversation further
"ohhhh i don't know, he's just...him" farwa said
"ohh come onnnn just tell usss" they begged

farwa saw they weren't gonna let this go

"ok well, he's very considerate and kind, and he buys me things, like this necklace" she said kind of proudly
"omggg how cuteeee" they said actually meaning it

it seemed the three didn't talk behind each other's backs as often anymore

"awww babeee i'm glad you think of me that way"

farwa froze
she felt two arms grab her from behind and give her a back hug
she found herself smiling
she quickly fixed her facial expression once she realized
she pushed jeonghan off, she was still uncomfortable with all of this suddenly
even if it was fake

just then jay came along and greeted hajra with a hug
the other two girls just stared

"when did this happen!?!?" they said at the same time
"JINX" they both said

jay and hajra stood laughing at them

"no for real since when we're you two a thing" farwa said curious
"well, we went on our first date yesterday and i had a good time so" hajra said not being able to contain her smile

jay saw her and couldn't help to melt at her smile
they've only been together for a day but he had such a soft spot in his heart for her
before hajra his only thoughts were fashion, football, and grades
it was nice to have another thing occupy his mind
hajra was like a breath of fresh air to him
he felt suffocated without her
they were...perfect
a complete opposite from the other two relationships
one of which was fake
and the other was falling apart slowly

sana saw her two friends with their boyfriends and wondered where hers was
she saw him then at the end of the hallway
with laila...
why was he seen more with laila than his own girlfriend
people will mistake them as a couple if they continue walking everywhere together

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