chapter 15:white and black

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Chapter 15:  White and Black

Justine POV

The Smell of bacon embarks its way to my bedroom, making my coma like sadness to end for a second, for the want of consuming the bacon. Slowly I made my way out of bed and mopped to the kitchen. My bones and joints were exhausted; my head was pounding at me and was fighting with its self. He didn’t do anything! Stop being so dramatic and make up with him! He hurt me! He lied. He used me. He doesn’t want me anyways! Are you kidding me? He’s my Mate! He wants you with everything and you are the one doing this. It was taking everything to not scream stop at my own head. It was too much, I felt like crap and I was tired. I defiantly did not need my own head telling me I screwed up. Through my head arguing I aimlessly walked to the living room, kitchen area. He was standing there with his head in his hands looking completely distraught. “I was on the phone with Grace yelling at her to fix it, when Justine herd it and thought I was talking about her. Know she’s even madder at me. I don’t know what to do.” He said to Albin. So that’s who he was talking to. Maybe he truly does love me?

            I spaced out staring at him as he spun around. He was ripped and I was only looking at his back. His arms were huge and I could see all the muscles as they tensed on his back. ThenI saw it. On his shoulder there was design. The most beautiful design I’ve ever seen. It was all black and looked like spinningninja stars. The way it spins into a perfect circle and in the center there was a single rose wrapped with a lotus flower. I knew from school that lotus represents honor and circles shows strength. I knew from that simple sign on his back that he didn’t do anything wrong and I was the one wrong. He respected othersand held his honor high. He was strong and caring and most of all he loved me. I know it sounds crazy that a tattoo of these things can show me that but it was the only thing to knock me out of it. Then he spun around staring at me. He looked miserable and tired. Most of all he looked broken. Like without me he wasn’t complete and that he had nothing to live for. It was as if he had no more hope left in his system. I needed to pull away my gaze. I felt too guilty about everything looking at him.

    “Do you ever where shirts?” I murmur walking past him. I don’t know why I said it; I love how he doesn’t wear a shirt. If he did my day would be a lot more boring. “I made you some breakfast.” he said pointing to the counter. It was filled with the amazing bacon and fruits I smelt earlier. “I’m not hungry, Albin can eat it.” I respond. My hunger was gone and my stomach wasknow filled with guilt “Justine, can we please talk?” Des begged. I didn’t want to face him. I knew I hurt him and besides not wanting to admit that I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. He grabbed my wrist forcing me to look at his sad fragile eyes. “Please?” He begged again. I felt so bad, but I got sick of it. I didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to apologize on my own terms. “What do you want to talk about? How you hurt me? Oh, no how you used me, into using my powers to help you. Or do you want to talk about you don’t trust me and I’m just some job that you have to get done? I know I don’t Matter to you and it is what it is when it comes to me!” I yelled completely losing my composer. In response he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.

          Our lips touching sent an exposing through my body. I started feeling guiltier by the second. He couldn’t have done that. He can’t make up this spark and pull that we have, it’s just not possible. Once I decided this and kiss him back, he pulled away. “I know you felt that pull and sparks just like me. You know I can’t make that up. I never did anything in that note and I am in love with you. Every fiber of my being knows that and wants to be with you. I never intended on keeping things from you, I was trying to protect you. You are the furthest thing from a job, you are more of a gift. Tell me when you believe me.” He stormed out of the room and I stood there just thinking and cursing myself the whole time. “Honey, go after him. I know it’s killing both of you.” Des’s mom said was she walked in. I didn’tasked how she knew and I didn’t care at the time. I needed to go fix something. With all my might I ran and ran to his room. The door was closed and I could hear him yelling

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