Chapter 29: Calm before the storm

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Chapter 29: Calm before the storm

Justine’s POV

     I reclosed my eyes blocking out the sun for the hundredth time. I knew I should have woken up, but there was something about the day I was dreading so much. I couldn’t put my figure on it, but I knew something wasn’t right. Des laughed lightly at my side. “Amore, even though you close your eyes again it’s not going to make the day go away.” He whispered kissing my neck. “No…I don’t like Tuesdays.” I grumbled hiding my head in his chest. “Love, I don’t think it’s the Tuesday part you are dreading.” “Ugg…go back to bed.” I grunted covering my hand over his mouth. I was smiling like a victor when a small sharp pain came from my hand. Fast I pulled my hand away and sat up.

    “Was that really needed?” I asked glaring down at him. “Would you have moved you hand?” “Probably not.” “Then yes it was completely needed. Plus, you’re up so we can get ready to go home.” He said pulling me off the bed and wrapping me in his arms. “Don’t we have school?” “No, everyone is going home. I think we have all had enough of everyone. Plus, Dad called about two hours ago and said everything is safe. That the ones that did attack are either dead or locked up.” I laid my head on his chest and breathe in his amazing scent. “Des, something is going to happen today.” “I know, love, I feel it too.” So there I stood wrapped in his arms. The calm before the storm. I didn’t ever want to leave I was safe there, protected and loved.


“Desiderius, did you lock up everyone that attacked?” Uncle Mark said frustrated looking at the three people. “No, two got away.” Des said frowning slightly. “And that one is special.” Albin spat out, pointing to the familiar looking boy. “Albin, sweetie, calm down.” Marina said coming up to his side. Possessively, Albin pulled her close to his side, like the way Des does. She let out a small whimper in response. His arm dropped automatically and regret flashed across his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He whispered to her lightly. “Don’t be, it’s ok.” “No, it’s not ok. I caused you pain. I should have been more…more….” Albin’s rant was cut off by Marina grabbing his face and kissing me.

    I felt Des hot breath across my face. “See I’m not the only one that solves all my problems like that.” I turned my head with a playful smile across my face. “Really, all of your problems?Are you not telling me something Desiderius?” I said raising my eye brow at him. “Never, you are my problem.” He said with a playfully smirk. “A problem am I, well I think I’m going to go ask Daemon to give me a ride home then.” I said and turned on my heels. People were staring at us, some with big eyes and the ones that knew us had amused smiles. A growl erupted for Des as he gripped my waist pulling me back to him, my back flush against his chest. “I don’t think so.” He growled playfully in my ear. I giggled lightly and leaned back. “I love you.” He whispered in my ear. “I love you too.” My eyes fluttered shut from the comfort of being in his arms.

    My Eyes did not stay shut for long. As soon as a clapping came from around the building all my sences were alert again. Rex… the man from yesterday and from my vision came into view. “Isn’t this, such a sweet family moment? It’s sweet how everyone is playing and laughing, too bad I’m going to destroy it.” He’s voice was laced with venom and hatred. Des’s grip got even tighter on me as we stared at the man. “Oh and Desiderius, I apologize I didn’t get to thank you yesterday. It was a very nice thing killing that man for me.” I assumed that he was talking about Alpha Fredrick. “Oh, wait or was that Albin that killed him? Either way it saved me a lot of time, for killing the man that kidnapped my wonderful little girl.” Marina looked uncomfortable as she laid farther into Albin. “What is he talking about?” She whispered up to him.

   “Oh, this is great. You guys didn’t tell them what you were doing when you left the room? Not even you Desiderius, I thought you were going to start telling you precious mate things.” A growl roared out of Des. “What do you want?!” “Well, besides thanking you guys oh so much. I needed to finish what I started yesterday.” As he said that Wolves and Panthers poured from the woods surrounding us. Des leaned forward into my ear. “When I let you go run into the car directly behind us and lock the doors.” I nodded my head in response. “Making plans already, but why so soon? Do you really want to lose so soon in our little game?” “Why are you doing this?” Albin asked this time.

  “The rush. It’s a great thing the feeling of someone’s last breath on your face. That build up that makes you feel like you are floating. Ask your brother, it’s a wonderful thing. Isn’t it Des?” Des didn’t say a word as we stood there. “Oh, come on, don’t act so innocent. You know the feeling. Like you are on top of the world, is that the feeling you got when you killed her?” A gasp escaped my lips and Des’s arms tightened even more. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Des said calmly.

    “Why is that because there was too many to count?” “No, I never killed a female.” Des’s voice was calmer than normal. “You expect me to believe that, when I know you just killed that boy and girl from your pack.” A roar erupted from Des as his calmness dissolved. “Listen to me. I did not kill them! I would never draw that low, ever.” “Really, that’s not Remus has told me.” Cold cruel laughs filled the air around me. “You actually believed him?” Aurel said through his laughter. “That is rich.” Hunter added. The four of them were all laughing. “You are sucker for punishment.” Des tagged in. “The only person part of the old group that ever killed a female was Remus himself.” Daemon stated. Rex’s face fell as he looked at the four laughers in front of him. “I’ve had enough of this, let’s finish this.” He said waving his hand and his people began to attack.

  Des let go of my waist in response. As fast as I possibly could, I got to the car. My nervous hands fumbled over the door handle struggling to open the door. Of course, you’re struggling with the freaking door. A strange voice growled in my head. With one last tag I got the door to open. I slid in the car and shut the door with full force. Leaning over the car, I hit the lock button and relaxed back in the chair. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. There banging on the door. I let out a high pitch shriek before I turned to the door. It was Marina trying to get in the car. Quickly I unlocked the doors and letting her open her door. As she stepped in the car another sound filled the car.

         An opening door.

     Suddenly, rough cold hands grabbed my arm. My heart stopped as I let out a terror filled shriek. My rough kidnapper ripped me out of the car. ‘Oh my god. I’m going to die!’ I yelled in my head as I came face to face with the scariest person in the world.




Note: Hope you like it!!! I should update soon probably later today or tomorrow. Sorry for the shortness, but it seemed like the perfect cliff hanger. :DDD Thank you for reading it meands the world. Litterly I get so excited when I go into my email or go to read on my kindle and see that I have over a hundered my reads and more votes. This is somthing I do for fun and I know it needs improvment, but It still excites me to share with other people. Thank you for everything!!!!!




Thanks, Love Ya!!!

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