Chapter 17: Forever known

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Chapter 17: Forever known

Unknown POV

She puts her face to he’s neck; it looked like she was crying. His arms where laced around her waist trying to comfort her. The more I looked at them; it made me think that maybe this was all a bad idea. Then I think of her. The way her flawless blond hair use to fall in prefect curls and how she always had that small smile. She was my reason for helping with this. We all had different motives and reasons. Somewhere doing it for power, some just for a game, mine for revenge. I can’t tell you, how this really revenged her death. They didn’t have anything to do with the death of my prefect Leba, but society needed to pay. I knew that this will defiantly make society pay for the death of my baby. Justine reminded me of her, a lot. They both had the same smile and both were so happy, the visions too. Leba had them; she would get so swapped by them. She was such an upbeat person, but the visions would make her so depress and have no more hope. Those visions are the real reason, for Leba’s death. She hated that she knew when people would die. The day that she had one of her brother dying in battle, she killed herself. It was all too much, for her. Her death saved him, though. He came back for her funeral and while he was gone everyone else in his unit died.

I Hated Justine! Why can she live with the visions, but my Leba couldn’t? Why can Desiderius have his love of his life, but I can’t? I pulled out my cell phone as Justine and Trever walked into the class room.

Me: Rex, she is in the class room. When do we put the next step in action?

Rex: Tonight.

I pulled my black sweatshirt around me more and snuck down the side stairs out of the school. I needed to get back to head quarters, before the next step. After about an hour drive I pulled up to the abandon school. The hall ways were dark and looked like they were falling apart. “What’s the next step?” I ask as I walked to Rex’s office. “We attack.” With that I order, I spun on my heels going to the room, I share. I pulled out my black pants and sweatshirt. Leba’s picture was sitting on my bedside table. I gave it a quick kiss. “You will be known.” I whisper, than finish packing the bag.

Justine’s POV

“Jay, just flip the pork chop already!” Jess yells at me. I spin around giving her a glare. “I have a spatula and am not afraid to use it!” I yelled waving the spatula in her face. “That’s great flip the pork chop!” She screamed in my face. Caitlyn was sitting at the bar laughing at us, while Des and the guys were in his office. “No one cares about the pork chop.” Some guy named Ray says as they walked out of the office. Jess and I spun around at the same time to glare at him. “No one cares about you.” We both hiss at the same time. Ray’s eyes got huge and he looked surprised that we countered back. Alex and Des were trying to stifle there laughter as they walked around a gawking Ray. “You learn not to butt into their arguments, when you do they team up against you.” Caitlyn informed him. “Jay! Pork chop!” Jess yelled ripping the spatula out of my hands and going back to the food. With having that job taken away, I walked to microwave to heat up the frozen corn. “Potatoes are done!” Caitlyn yelled from the oven. I went to say something when warm hands started trailing across my sides. “Baby, the girls have dinner. Can we go to my office?” Des asked from around me. “Sure.” I said beginning to walk out of the kitchen. Then I noticed Alex and Jess walking out to the balcony. Des and I got to his office and he picked me up sitting me on his desk. I didn’t say anything till his wonderful lips were on mine. “Baby, I love you.” He said with his forehead on mine. “I love you too. I know this is ruining the moment, but I have something to give you.” I say reaching and pulling out the small blue envelope. “Well you are right about ruining the moment. What’s this?” Des asks looking at the envelope concerned. “That sub gave it to me, to give to you.”

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