Chapter 18: Who they really are

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Chapter 18: Who they really are


 Gently I carried Justine to my bed. She was insistent on not going to bed, yet she still fell asleep on the couch. “Des, are you ready for the meeting tonight?” Alex asked as he walks into my room. I laugh coldly. “As ready as I can be.” “Well at least you don’t have to worry about Justine now.” I look to my bed where her petite beautiful body is curled in a ball and her brown hair is spread across my pillow. I couldn’t stop the big smile that stretched across my face. “I love her so much.” I whispered more to myself, but load enough for Alex to hear. He just rolls he eyes and pats my back. “It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that one out.” “He woke up.”Michele yells into my room. Alex and I looked at each other for a moment before marching out of my room together. Our feet are in sync with each other as we marched down the hall. We get to the toy room to see two pack members guarding the door like I set up. “Take lunch, we will be in here a while.” I order. Their eyes where huge and they looked terrified of me.

Before we walked through the door I felt Alex grab my arm. “Dude, your power is choking me.” “I know. I just want to rip him to shreds the closer I get to the room.” “You can. Do whatever you want to him, after we get our information.” With that we both walked into the room. The man was sitting in a chair as Michele tied his arms behind his back. “Sorry he just wake up, and Ray wouldn’t move him.” I roll my eyes. Ray is useful for nothing. I don’t even know why I inform him of things before the rest of the pack, it’s not like he helps. “Its fine, but you need to leave.” With that Michele scurries out of the room. I look at the man, he has a couple of bruises and his dark black hair covers one of his eyes. His black sweatshirt had spots of blood stains and so did his pants. For his safety, I sure hope that it’s his blood. He looked scared and like he didn’t know what he got himself into. If he was frightened now, he was going to be petrified when Alex won’t hold me back. I step closer to him, my wolf trying to take control. “What’s your name?” Alex asked while holding onto my arm. “Uh..Se..Sean” he stutters out. It was weird the way he looked at the ground and the way he talked it was like he actually didn’t know what he did, or he did it against his will.

“Why did you come here?” I growl out. Sean flinched back away from me, hitting his head on the back of the chair. “Uh…Rex sent us, to do the next step of the plan.” I would have expecting him to be cocky, but he wasn’t at all. He looked ashamed about it. It was actually frightening me. If he was forced against his will, then other people where forced and the problem is bigger than we thought it was. “What is the plan? Why would you attack us?” Alex questioned. He looked down at his lap. “I don’t know.” That pissed me off. How could you not know?! Against your will or not, you should know what and why you are doing something! I growl roars out of my chest. The walls actually seemed to rumble and Sean looked horrified of me. “How do you not know?!” My wolf was about to take control and I wanted to give up. This man deserved whatever he was going to do to him. I stalked toward him, stopping where my foot was a centimeter from his injured ankle. “You might know this answer. Do you know, who it was that you fought with last night?” I was expecting Alex to try and calm me down, but he didn’t. He had a look on his face that said he was just as mad, because the guy defiantly wasn’t being helpful, but that could always change. “No…” The man looked so worried that I almost felt sorry for him, but not sorry enough to stop what I did next. “You will.” I said and stepped on the ankle that Jay broke the night before.

He screeched in pain. It was a sharp painful shriek. “That’s for messing with my Mate.” I growled at him. I knew my eyes were now almost black and I knew my wolf was about to come out. The man looked even more scared then I thought was possible. Pleasure filled my system as I looked at his horrified face.

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