Chapter 10: Deathly Visions

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Author note: I don't like author notes thus explaining I usually don't put them but please comment or vote or fan so I can know if you like it or if people aren't really enjoying. Either way I'd finish the book because I wright for myself but I could change it to get more people interested. Thank you!!!

Chapter Ten


"Amore, I love you. Will you except this ring.... Nahhh!!!" I say trying to practice what I'm going to say to Justine. It's the day after the ball. We had an interesting night after the fight, or Justine calls the spat. We went up stairs and just watched movies. Well more listening then whatching but same thing,right?

"Des, that was fine." Tom says from the coach in my room. Tom, Mary, Alex and Jess were all in my room "helping" me. "Easy for you to say. You already asked. Plus this has to be absolutely perfect." I said getting nervous and began pacing around my room. "Umm... Where is Justine?" Jess asked worriedly. "Doing homework in her room." I say bluntly and continue pacing. Jess got up and ran out of my room. Alex just sat there and watched her leave with a sad look on his face.

"What was that about?" I asked Alex hoping he could give me some incite on our mates. "Dude, don't ask me. You known them longer then I have." He said putting his hand up in shock. "Guy's I know how I'm going to ask!" I shout when I got a thought. "Tell us!" Mary demanded. "Ok here it goes....." "Desiderius!! Alex!! Help!!" Jess shirked interrupting my speech. I bolted out of my bedroom with Alex on the side of me the whole time . "Jess where are you?" Alex bellows. "Kitchen!" In response with both take off in full blown sprint towards the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen I couldn't believe my eyes. Justine was in the corner with a knife in her hand bawling her eyes out. There was blood on the knife. To make it all worst she was pale and had the fog like look in her eye that she had yesterday, when she had a vision. I krept towards her making my movements slow. The closer I got the more I saw that the blood on her knife was from a cut across her palm of her hand.

"Justine? Baby? " I cooed trying to see if she was out of it yet. As soon as I said her name her head sprung forward to look at me. She had a shock and horrified look on her face, "Des, your ok." Was the first words out of her mouth. "Yes baby I'm fine, but please give me the knife." I said still treating her like an injured deer.

She looked down in horror, "Des, why is my hand bleeding and why do I have a knife?" "Amore, I don't know. Just give me the knife and we will talk about the vision." I said still walking near her. She dropped the knife on the ground. "Wait?! Des that was only a vision." "Yes." I said pulling her off the ground and looking at her hand. "You may need stitches. Lets clean the cut and then I'll bring you to the doctors." I said while pulling her into a hug. "Des, Jess and I will clean up in here and check if there was something that could have set her off." Alex said.

I know what he means by set her off, it is known that there are herbs and "medicines" that can make seers go into really bad visions. We both think someone could have plant one of them. I know we are just being paranoid but two visions in less the twenty for hour is rare. Of corse Justine has rare talent to so we never know.

"Ok thanks Alex." I said while walking Justine to the bathroom. After making sure Justine was siting and taking out the hydrogen peroxide I started talking to Justine. "Love, tell me everything that happen." "I finished my homework. So I came out to the kitchen to bake a cake and cookies form my parents tonight. Last thing I remember was opening the cabinet to find flower. I don't remember the vision all I kind of remember us that you were really sick and dyeing." Justine said as I finished cleaning out her cut. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Amore, we will figure all of this out. I love you. Everything will be ok." I cooed giving a peck and pulling her up.

"I have good news. I don't think you need stitches." I told her. I really wanted to tell her my suspicion, but I didn't want to worry her. She already has so much on her plate,and she doesn't need anything else. "Des! We have a problem!" I herd Alex scream. Then I herd a growel.

My wolf perked up, I could smell another wolf and some other creature. My wolf taking control I sprinted out of the bathroom. "Des!? What's happening?!" Jess screamed. She was in the middle of the kitchen with Alex in wolf form and another wolf with a panther in with them.


"Jess, grab Jay and go into her room. I'll come get you when the cost is clear." I orders before jumping and turning into my wolf.



Justine's POV

"Yes!" I screamed as I finished my homework. Maybe I should go make cookies or cake for tonight. Getting off my bed I grabbed my phone and pranced out of my room towards the kitchen. Des was working this morning, so I have plenty of time to bake. "What to make? What to make?" I said talking to myself.


My phone went off while I was in the draws getting ingredients. With chocolate chips in one hand and flower in the other I made my way to the counter to check my phone.

(666) 6444-862743

"No one picks Destiny, but I don't mind tinkering with Fate."



"Well, you thought that, just because you can see the future you thought you could save the world." Said a dark shadow figure in the conor of the room.

I was standing in what looked like a prison cell with my arms chained above my head. The musky smell was so strong I could almost taste it. "I didn't do anything." I spat out. "No you did. Your mate is the highest alpha on this side of the world. Just that can help fowl my planes." Said the voice again as he walked into the light. It was a tall man with short pitch black hair and his eyes were golden like cats. He looked about Des's age.

Before I could say a word there was a fog that coverd the room and my sight.

Bang I couldn't see anything but her crashing and fighting. There was a sharp pain through my hand but then may arms were dropped.

"Jay go!" Des orderd as he said creature came out of the mist and tackled him. "Justine? Baby?" Des said.


I looked up. Des was standing over me looking at him like I was an injured deer. "Des your ok!" I screamed with excitement. "Yes baby, but please give me the knife." He cooed. KNIFE! Why do I have a knife?! Wait is that blood?! What happen?! My body started to go into panic.

"Des, why is my hand bleeding and why do I have a knife?!" I screeched with fear. "Amore, I don't know. Just give me the knife and we will talk about the vision." I dropped the knife.

"Wait?! Des that was only a vision." I said not remembering anything that just happened"Yes." He said pulling me off the ground and reinsuring my fear "You may need stitches. Lets clean the cut and then I'll bring you to the doctors." He said while examining my hand.

While Des and Alex talked, I stared at Jess. She's found me in situation like these before but promised to never tell anyone. Now though, she doesn't really trust me to be alone. I gave her pleading eyes to not tell anyone, mostly Des, but she just shook her head, and I knew she was doing as a freind.

Des, dragged me into the bathroom and told me to tell him about the vision. I told him all I remembered. To busy amazed by my own thoughts I didn't hear Alex calling for Des's help.

Des ran out of the bathroom into the kitchen. I flowed behind him and saw him transform to wolf. Beautiful black fur covered his whole body besides his paws and ears. They are snow wight and look absolutely breath taking. Jess pulled me out of looking at my amazing mate and pulling me into my bedroom.

Keeping me "Safe

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