Chapter 16: Baby blue enevelope

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Chapter 16: Baby blue envelope

Alex pulled up to Jess’s small house in the woods. It was a little cottage, which was only a two minute walk from a nearby pound. It was my home away from home. Her bunny cages where in the back behind the pool. I loved that house and all the memories that came with it. “I’ll go get her.” Alex said about to step out of the car. “Wait! I’ll get her. Knowing her, she’s not ready yet, plus her father is over protective and probably won’t allow you in the house.” I said stopping him from making a fatal mistake. “Ok, if you say so.” Alex understood. I stepped out of the car and was walking to her front door, when I heard a bike speeding down the hill to Jess’s house. I spun around to see a good friend of mine pull into Jess’s drive way on his bike. David dropped his bike and ran to me. “Jay, is everything ok?” He asked panicked. As soon as David stepped near me, Des boomed out of the car. Then both boys started to violently growl at each other and Des arm wrapped around my waist. “Why are you past your land?” David growled at Des. “This is neither pack land. It is a safe zone where both packs can go to school.” Des hissed at him. David calmed a little and wasn’t growling as fiercely. “I know, but why are you past the line?” “I moved schools. Nothing said I can’t go past the line.” “You are the next alpha…” David was interrupted by a growl rumbling from Des’s chess. “I know who I am. What is your problem?” “Why are you with her? Both packs said she was off limits.” David said nodding to me. With this Des’s arms grow even tighter around me and pulled me to his chess.

“She not owned. We cann’t just choose if she is allowed to be with anyone or not. Plus that didn’t keep your next alpha away from her, but I will. More importantly, she’s my Mate.” With that David’s eyes grow big and he bowed his head in submission, which makes no sense to me. Actually most of this stuff didn’t make sense, I just go with it. “Desy, I have to go get Jess before Alex has a mental break down.” I said looking up as he looked down. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Des freed me from his grip as I ran to the door. Before I had time to knock the door busted open “Jay we have a problem!” Jess held, before she pulled me into her house. She dragged me to her room before she said anything else. “I don’t have anything to wear.” She whined. I rolled my eyes. Of course that was her life or death problem. “Ok, I’ll pick you something out.” I suggested as I walked to her closet. In seconds I picked out a purple swoop neck sweater and light colored jeans. I throw it at her face. “Wear this. I don’t want to hear any buts. We are going to be late for school. Don’t worry about packing for tonight you can barrow clothes.” I ranted as I shoved her to the bathroom.

Five minutes later we were all in the car again, David must have left as I was yelling at Jess. Finally we arrived at the school, five minutes before the bell rang. “Baby, what class do you have first?” Des asked as we got out of Alex’s Jeep. “Math.” “Ok, we should head there then.” Des stated with his arm firmly secured around my waist. All the girls, we passed, were either glaring at me or the arm. A guy, I’ve only seen twice, walked up to us. Actually he walked up to Des, and didn’t really notice I was even standing there. “Dude, I know you are new here, but we were all warned to not even look at her.” Des got a stupid smirk on his face and pulled me closer to him. “I can handle myself. Plus, I already talked to Will, and we both agree I’m exempt from his rule.” Will!! He was the reason no guy ever talked to me! Oh, that boy is going to hear and earful!

I spun on my heels and marched to where Will and his friends hang out near the flag pole. “William, you have some explaining to do.” I said when I got to him. Des looked uncomfortable and pulled me close to his side. The other guys in Wills group turned and glared at Des. “Why are you touching her?” One of them growled at Des. Des tensed up and pulled me closer, which I didn’t realize was even possible. Des went to open his mouth, but Will spun around and smacked the kid. “That’s none of your business.”  Will growled at him. “I thought no one was allowed to go out with her. You said she was special.” “She is special.” Will corrected. “Why was no one aloud to date me? It doesn’t matter now because I have Des, but why?” I asked. “Umm… You are special and if you dated someone it could mess everything up.” Will explained. Mess everything up?! Does he not realize what it did to me? All these years I thought I was ugly and gross, no it wasn’t that at all. I’m not just an item that they can control, I’m a person. “Are you kidding me? Mess up your plans? That alone, destroyed my self-esteem. I’m not an object that you can control!!” I yelled at him and stormed away. “The nerve of some people” I mumbled under my breath.

Des regained his spot with his arm around me. “Calm down, it’s all over now.” I didn’t say anything and leaned further into his chess. We made it to my class before the first bell rang. “Do you have to go?” I asked as I leaned against the wall. “No, my class is right around the corner.” I stood up and gave him a small sweat kiss. “You should go.” “Fine.” He said then kissed my nose. “Bye, I’ll meet you here after class.” He said then left. I turned into and walked into the class room. “Who was that?” Kacey yelled as I walked into the class. “Who?” I asked acting stupid. “Your boy candy.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Kacey had some interesting sayings for guys. “Just my boyfriend.” “Justine, he’s hot and a senior!” She yelled in my face. “Girls, we need to start class.” The sub hissed at us. I looked around to see everyone else in the class staring at us. Some of their faces were amused and others were confused. I could feel my face heat up, so I hid my face as I drew in my note book.  There was only ten minutes left of class when Kacey turned around again.

“Justine, what is with the picture?” I looked down to notice I was drawing a heart with devil horns. “I don’t know; I just drew it.” I said shrugging. “You are secretly emo!” She yelled bring more attention to us. “Kacey!” Both the teacher and I hissed at the same time. “Those pictures are really depressing.” “I’m not emo.” I said waving my hand. Her eyes grow huge and she gapped at my hand. “What?” I asked confused. “The cut” was all she said, before I retracted my hand. “Oh, there was an accident this week end.” I didn’t need or want to explain why I really had a scar across my palm. The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat, running out of the class room. When I ran out, Des was waiting for me by the door. “Justine, I think you have a problem.” Kacey called from in the class room. “Kace, I don’t have a problem.” I called back before I hugged Des. “What’s the problem?” He asked me. “There is no…” Kacey interrupted me as she stormed out of the class room. “The problem is Jay here is a secret emo.” Des grabbed my waist forcing my back to his chess and he let out a low growl. “Sshh, I’m not. She just saw my hand.” I said trying to calm him. He grabbed my hand and looked at the scar, when he realized what it was from his face softened. “I have to go. Bye Jay, bye Jay’s man candy!” Kacey called walking away. “Man candy?” He asked. “Don’t ask its Kace.” I said shrugging.

Des then walked me to Bio. Trever was leaning against the door with his arms crossing waiting for us. “Trever, you don’t have to wait for me.” “Yes, I do. We have that sub again.” My heart crashed into my stomach and I couldn’t think straight. I didn’t want to see him again, more importantly I didn’t want him for a sub. He was creepy and scared me to death. I hid my face in Des’s neck. “I don’t want to see him.” I whimpered. Des started making small circles on my back trying to calm me down. “Everything will be alright. I am right down the hall and Trever will be there. You don’t have to worry about anything.” I sniffled and looked at him. I had small tears making their way across my face. Ever so gently he wiped them and kissed my nose. “Go to class, we are already late.” He said like he was handling glass. “Ok, I love you Desy.” I said giving him a small kiss. “Love you too.” He said and Trever and I made our ways into the class room. “You two are late.” Mr. Galer hissed at us as we made our way into the class room.

“Sorry, we will go get passes from the office.” Trever says grabbing my hand. “No, it’s fine. Just don’t let it happen again.” Slowly Trever and I made our way to the only two seats left. “Ok. Read the chapter 9.2 in the book and take notes.” He instructs the class. Trever and I started working, when he made his way to us. “Can I talk to you in the hall?” He asks me. Before I could answer Trever says, “No.” “Ok, give this to your Mate for me, will you?” He asks handing me a small blue envelope. “Sure.” I said shrugging thinking it was no big deal.


Author note: I'm sorry it's so short. I wanted to update it again and I didn't want to add alot more. More will happen. Why are the two packs so tense? Why is Justine so important? Is there more behind the panthers and wolf Mate? Who is this sub? I really hope these are all your questions because they will be answered. Would you be mad if you were justine and Will did what he did? Please tell me what you think.



Thanks love ya!!

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