Chapter 28: Unique meeting run in the family

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Chapter 28: Unique meeting run in the family

Albin’s POV

    “Uggh.” I groaned as I looked around the class room I was spending the night in. We still didn’t hear from dad, so oh high and mighty Des didn’t want anyone to leave the school. I don’t know why, it’s not like it was safe, we had already been attack. Yet, Des did think on his feet with the gun thing. Now we have wolves patrolling the school and Des personally locked all the doors and windows himself.

Looking over I saw the lucky A*s. Him and Justine where lying on a blanket together talking. The way they held each other’s gaze and the amount of love in their eyes sickened me. I didn’t hate Des for being alpha. I always knew he would be better at it then me, but what I hated him for was his Mate. Okay, so not Justine, but the mere fact that he found his mate. I would give up everything so I could have mine. I wanted to be like them and hold each other after an attack. I looked to my right to see Alex and Jess sitting in a chair together. Jess had fallen asleep on Alex’s shoulder and he was just watching her sleep. I wanted that, was that too much to asked? Then I looked over toTrever, the kid was younger than me, yet there he sat on the phone with my sister. We could always tell by the way they talked they were mates. He didn’t even realize  who his mate was, yet I was still jealous of him because he had one.

      We have one. You’re just not looking hard enough. My wolf yelled at me for the hundredth time today. It was weird, yes I always wanted a mate, but today it was all I could think about.What use to be little thought at the back of my mind were my only thoughts. It was like my wolf was trying to tell me something without actually telling me something.

    “I’m going to go check on the patrol.” I muttered as I walked past them out of the class room. I needed to get away from all the couples and Mates. Slowly I sulked out of the room to the stairs. I stood in the stair way looking down at everyone in Gym clothes and make shift pajamas. The Mated one’s where cuddled together on blankets and cots. The sight of more love made my stomach sicker then I thought was possible. “When will this day end?” I grumbled under my breath. I went to continue walking down the stairs, but stopped.

There was the most beautiful singer I had ever heard in my life coming from down the hall. My feet turned me guiding me over to where it was coming from. I stood in front of a music room, with a door ajar.

I’m desperate for changing

Starving for truth

I’m closer to where I started

I’m chasing after you

         She sang the lyrics as she played on the piano. It was one of my favorite songs from Lighthouse, but I never once heard it play on a piano. Her voice was so light and loveable. I couldn’t help but love her version ten times more. Just because it was her's. Without permission my legs snuck me into the room, her back was turned towards me, but something inside me told me I was deeply in love with this girl. It could be the music or her the way she delicatly taped the keys, I don't know, but I was in love with her.  Again without my consent my hands picked up the guitar and I started lightly strumming it, blending in softly with her music.

I’m falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I’ve held onto

I’m standing here until you make me move

I’m hanging by a moment here with you

    I couldn’t stop the lyrics from escaping from my lips as I began to sing. The girl turned around forcing her black hair to spin over her shoulder. My heart fluttered up by just looking in her eyes. They were the purest blue had I ever seen in my life. More blue then the ocean and she wore the most breath taking smile. We both stopped singing and playing the instruments as we stared into each other’s eyes. She was Mine, I knew it the moment I heard her sing, but seeing her confirmed my suspicion. With two big steps I stood in front of her, no more than an inch of space between us.

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