Chapter 12: My little angel

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Chapter 12


"What are you going to do?" Albin asked after Alex, Tom, himself and I walked into my office. "I don't know. Are they telling the truth?" Alex said. "Well, there is a way to find out but Des is not going to like it." Tom commented as I went to my desk. "What won't I like?" "Well, I wouldn't want it if it was my mate, but Justine can see by touching them. It's a power she has that can make her see the past and the truth of the past." "Is it dangerous?" Albin asked.

"Not technically, but you never know when it comes to such strong power." "Des, you have to do it. We need to see if we can trust them." Albin demanded. I had it. My blood was beginning to boil and my wolf was starting to stir. "No, I will not do anything that will put her in danger. I need to figure this out. Get out!" I growled. The second have was not understand able from the growling.

With that Albin and Tom lift. "Alex, don't leave. I need to talk this out." I basically begged. "Ok, well lets go over the negatives of you letting her." "She could go into what she did today. She looked so weak and innocent. She's only 15 she shouldn't have to deal with all of this." "Des, talk to her. It will be a lot easier to know what should happen. It's her body and if she wants to do it, let her." Alex said and left.

Leavening my office I walked into the kitchen. "No! Justine we need to read the directions." Jess scolded. "Jess, it's banana split. It's not that hard." "Directions!" She demanded. Rolling her eyes Jay said, "Whatever. I just want the freakin ice cream." Alex was in the corner laughing at them, I started to laugh as well. "What are you laughing at?" Jay questioned me. "Yeah, what's so funny?" Jess scolded Alex. Before I knew what was going on the girls nodded and whipped out whip cream. Next thing I know, it is all over my face. "Oh, no you didn't." I took the can out of her hand and squirted it in her hair.

The four of us continued to laugh and fight for at least an hour. Now while Jay was showering, I was laying on her bed. Oouf. Someone was sitting on top of me. Opening my eyes I see Jay, looking down at me. "Desy, I want to see if they are lying." "Who told you?" "No one, I already knew that, I just wanted to ask before I did it." "I don't know."

"I need to. It's for the packs safety and my safety. If we know what they want then. We can be prepared." She argued. "Fine, but not right know." I groaned. "Yes, right know!" She said jumping off of me and running out of the room.


Justine's POV

I skipped to the play room, where we put the kids. Don't ask why they have a play room in an apparent for 18 year olds. They wouldn't tell me. "Guuuys, can we talk?" I sang walking in." "Justine Catherine! Don't go in there with out me!" "Too late!" I sing. "What if they are dangerous?" Des questioned. Rolling my eyes I walked over to Rick, "They aren't dangerous." Rick and May laughed. "You guys remind of my brother and his Mate. He is always trying to protect her and over thinks everything. She just laughs and does it anyways." May giggles.

"Well, if she just listens she wouldn't ever be a danger." Des muttered walking into the room. "Anyways, I need to do something. May will you please give me your hands?" "Of corse."


"Rick and May you came back!" A women yelled. I was on the side watching them but they couldn't see me. "Yeah!" Rick yelled hugging the women. "Jack, take them to the room." The women demanded. May had a hurried look on her face, as this twenty year old came out of the dark corridor and take them.

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