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Author's Note:


Lemon Grass and Sleep was my first attempt at writing fanfiction, and it most definitely shows. however, it's also something i'm extremely proud of despite its canon compliance issues, plot holes, and somewhat cringe writing.

if you're a re-reader, thank you for coming back and going through this long, long journey over again. if you're a new reader, i hope you enjoy it despite its issues.

thank you for all the love this story got, it convinced me to continue writing fanfiction and to get better.

case <3

It's a Tuesday, and nothing ever goes right on a Tuesday. Really, it's my own fault for believing anything ever could go right on a Tuesday, simply because it has become an ingrained part of my life for everything to not go right on a Tuesday.

I stumbled out of the boys' dormitories with the back of my shoes tucked under my heels and my tie loosely thrown around my neck. Let's not even mention how my robes were inside out and I didn't even grab the right books for class.

There she was, waiting for me like she did on every Tuesday that had gone just as horribly as this one was going to. Prim and proper, like she had woken five hours ago and spent every waking moment staring at her reflection and fixing imperfections. In reality, she'd probably gotten up about five minutes ago just looking perfect, Glinda was just that sort of person.

"Your socks don't match," Glinda observed with a teasing smile.

"It's almost like I'm the one who put them on, do you think I don't know I look a mess? Idiot."

"Ouch, you almost hurt my feelings with that one. Maybe next week."

"Whatever," I muttered as we bustled through the hallway, getting the familiar stares of people who judged my haphazard appearance. Of course, I slowly fixed myself as we walked to class, but it was definitely a process getting dressed while walking.

Thankfully both shoes were on the right feet and my tie was all made up when my left foot crossed the threshold into potions class.

"Mr. Soot, timely as ever." Professor Snape spoke as energetically as a corpse, and only received a polite grunt in response from me.

"Good morning Professor," Glinda smiled warmly, probably relishing in the disgusted purse of Snape's lips.

"And to you, Miss Baker."

We took our seats on the creaky metal stools that surrounded the ancient potions tables dotting the room. Snape whisked his robe around himself in an utterly dramatic fashion before briskly walking to the front of the room. The folds of fabric lightly drifted across the floor as he moved, and rustled against the corners of tables.

"Turn your textbooks to page 468."

The sound of flipping bookpages filled my ears as I lazily opened my own book to information about herbology. My palm met my forehead, and I could hear Glinda's soft giggles at my suffering.

"Glinda, be a dear and let me share your textbook," I asked, shutting my own book and tucking it in my bag before Snape could even catch a glance of it.

"Oh, I'm not sure, you were awfully mean to me earlier today," she tapped a slender finger against her chin, a taunting smirk decorating her lips.

"It's a Tuesday, and don't act as if I have any chance to intimidate you."

"Both fair points, very well," and she slid her book between us equally. Well, not really equally, but if I tried harder I could make out that there definitely were words on the page.

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