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Fred's hips met my skin as he pressed into me fully, filling me all the way up. Merlin, it'd been ages since we'd been able to take our time like this, spend ample time enjoying each other all the way. Not even all of our clothes were off, and there was barely enough light in the room to see much of anything--but it was perfect.

I shivered against the chill in the air as Fred slowly began to move back and forth, falling into a rhythm. My hands reached above my head to press against the footboard to keep my head from ramming into it, but also to ground me to something. Fred's hands dug into my hips, gripping tight enough to hurt but it felt *good*, Merlin, so good.

"Mmh," a noise escaped from my throat, jumping from my mouth with reckless abandon. Now that the walls had fallen, I was sure there were more to come. I bit my lip harshly, eagerly trying to silence any embarrassing noises.

Fred slowed for a moment, his hand leaving my hip and brushing against my bottom lip to free it. I blearily opened my eyes through blurry stray tears to see him looking down at me with some unknown emotion that made my heart burst apart at the seams.

"Don't be quiet," he said breathily, "There's no one but me to hear."

"Ngh," I grunted out, back arching against the mattress, and I couldn't keep my eyes open against the pleasure anymore. With my calves resting on Fred's shoulders I felt vulnerable, Fred thrusting into me at an angle we'd never tried before. It was deep, so deep it felt like my insides were being bruised. "Shit."

His hands migrated from my hips to my legs, somewhere--I don't know, I could barely keep track of what was touching me and what wasn't. Vaguely, I felt Fred wrap his hands around my dick and move--but I couldn't tell what was happening beyond paralyzing, blissful pleasure.

I laid there, probably letting obscenities spill from my lips, not knowing or caring what was happening at all. Only that Fred's smell surrounded me, and his touch enveloped me.

"Fuck," Heard him grind out of his throat, his voice sounding rough and gravelly to my ears. "So good," he mumbled lowly into my ear.

That was enough, it was more than enough. I felt a scream rip itself from my lungs as I shuddered underneath Fred's body, feeling his skin beneath my fingernails as they dug into his skin and tore from his lower back to his shoulder blades.

I only had to endure a little longer after that, now aware of the whimpers that bubbled up through my lips as Fred came to his own orgasm, briefly collapsing on top of me and panting like a dog. My fingers ran themselves comfortingly over his back, feeling the scratches left behind by yours truly.

"Now that we know the bed works properly," he joked, an airy laugh escaping him, "Want to test out the plumbing?"

For a rickety old abandoned building, the flat's plumbing had held up surprisingly well. If not for the absolutely frigid water that sprayed me in the back suddenly, it would have even been relaxing.

"I think I have pneumonia," I whined from within my towel burrito I was trapped in on the bed.

"You have what?" Fred replied, completely lost on the joke. Oh, to be a wizard. Here he was, in a freezing cold room, shirtless hunched over a pile of clothes he'd left here last week.

"I'm cold," I muffledly explained. "Cold and wet."

"You'll warm up soon enough," he mumbled, finally grabbing a shirt and pulling it over his head. "What do you usually sleep in? Just a shirt?"

"Grab me a jumper," I replied, "It's too cold for a shirt."

"Hmm," he hummed, grabbing one and walking over to set me free from my fluffy prison. "Ready to get dressed, you big baby?"

"I suppose."

The air hit me with a ferocity that made me think it had been listening to my thoughts that cursed winter itself for being so, so drearily freezing. I squirmed as my skin filled with goosebumps and Fred pushed the jumper over my head. His clothes were a bit big, but it's not like baggy sweatpants and a loose jumper were horrible sleepwear.

It finally set in when we were laying in bed, the fire dying out in the corner, that we were in the flat. Like, the actual flat. The room that Fred and I would be sharing in a matter of months, while living out our adult lives.

This was going to be my bedroom, my knickknacks would sit right beside Fred's on a little bookcase that hadn't been installed yet. A soft armchair, perfect for reading, would be by the fireplace--and Fred would never leave me alone while I sat in it. It would feel like Christmas at the Weasley's every single day of my life--and it was *real*.

"Stop thinking so much," Fred complained from in front of me, the vibrations of his voice rumbling against the front of my chest.

"How can you tell I'm thinking?" I mumbled, pressing an appreciative kiss into the nape of his neck, something I could only do because I was blessed to be the big spoon.

"I can hear the gears of your overworked brain still going," he murmured, clearly on the edge of sleep.

"Okay, I'll go to sleep," I agreed, nuzzling against his back and closing my eyes. And still, with thoughts of how everything would turn out alright, I succumbed to exhaustion.

When I woke, soft rays of sun shone through the window and landed straight on my face--blinding me. No curtains, not yet, we'd have to get on that quickly. The fire was completely dead and any skin left out above the covers was subject to being frozen immediately.

Somehow in the middle of the night, Fred had rolled over and faced me, now. Funny, even when we had plenty of our own space in a more than big enough bed, he still was as close to me as physically possible. Legs tangled together, arms a mish mash of uncomfortable angles, and his face borderline on top of my pillow.

I leaned forward to kiss him, knowing with him being a light sleeper he'd rouse easily.

"Mm, good morning," he softly replied, lips moving against mine before I could even pull away properly.

"Yes, good morning," I felt my chest fill with happiness at the thought that we could say that to each other, in our own bed. In our own place.

"I have something," he opened his eyes gingerly, "I didn't get the chance to tell you last night."


"Thomas," Fred whispered quietly, "George and I are going to drop out, soon."

"I know," I mumbled, "I don't want to think about it."

"Harry needs to get into Umbridge's office while the rest of the fifth years are taking their O.W.L.s," he explained carefully, "He wants us to create a huge diversion so he can sneak away while she's preoccupied."

"Alright, if it's to help Harry I can't imagine it's unimportant," I nodded softly.

"I want you to help."

"I can't Fred, if I get expelled-"

"You won't get expelled." Fred's face held a determined look, confidence shining in his eyes as he repeated his last sentence again, softly. "We'll get some polyjuice potion, and you can look like me or George, Umbridge will be none the wiser."

"You know this is mad?" I questioned, placing my hands on his chest. "This is absolutely, in every sense of the word, mad."

"Isn't that what makes it so exciting?" He breathily responded, "George'll have asked Glinda last night. You know she'll want to get in on the fun, join us. Make a ruckus with no care for consequences for once in your life."

I bit my lip, anxiety bubbling up inside of me at the mere thought of any single part of this idea going wrong. Fred hadn't even explained the actual plan to me yet, and I was already thinking of everything negatively.

"Okay," I finally answered after a few moments.


"Yeah, I'll do it."

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