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I looked down at the blank parchment on the desk in front of me, patiently waiting for the ink on my quill to decorate it with flowery greetings and stories of what I'd been up to--yet nothing came to mind. Halla's letter had been straight to the point, but it didn't feel like I could easily sum up everything we'd been through in the year and a half we'd been out of Hogwarts.

'Hello Halla, Fred and I aren't married but we swore an unbreakable vow on a whim. Glinda and George are in their enemies to lovers arc, but seem to be edging on enemies right now. Also, we've been attacked by death eaters about three or four times by now, but who's counting?'

"Still haven't written anything?" Fred asked, placing his hands on either side of me and leaning his chest against my shoulders.

"I can't figure out what to say," my head tilted as he pressed an appreciative kiss against my neck, humming in response.

"Well, it's not like you can actually meet up with them. Nowhere is really safe anymore."

"I know, but I'd like to still keep in touch," I murmured, writing at least my greeting down.

"Then say just that," he shrugged, the movement feeling weird against my back, "That you're too nervous to meet in person, but don't mind exchanging owls every now and then."

"It feels too short," I mumbled, "Like, should I tell them about my life? I can't find a way to sum it up where it sounds...pleasant."

"Are you saying I'm not a delight to live with?" Fred teased, leaning against me a little more as he pecked my cheek lightly.

"Oh, of course not," I joked quietly, flinching when Fred poked me unappreciatively in the side.

"I would imagine I'm the best husband," he mumbled, I could hear the smirk in his voice. "After all, I'm amazing in be-"

I turned in my chair suddenly, slapping my hand over his mouth. He looked more than pleased with himself, eyebrows raised and the corners of his eyes crinkled up.

"Just because we're alone doesn't mean you can say such embarrassing-" My words were cut off sharply by a scoff, me immediately recoiling as Fred licked my palm.

"But you like it when I say stuff like that," he laughed, and I felt my entire stomach twist with humiliation.

"I do not," I lied through my teeth, instinctively flinching backward when Fred leaned forward, gaze trained on my lips.

"You do too," he leaned forward, brushing aside my hand and pressing his lips to mine. I let out a gasp of shock when his arms reached under mine and pulled me from the chair, my legs stumbling to stand properly.

Fred didn't let me bother with that, turning around slowly and nudging me toward the bed. I rolled my eyes, of course there was an ulterior motive.

"What're you rolling your eyes at?" He teased, hands bracing against the mattress on either side of my head.

"You," I muttered sourly, recoiling when he laughing and pressed a quick kiss to my nose. "What," I sputtered, hands reaching up to cover my face.

Fred only laughed as my head heated up so quickly I was sure I'd pass out due to lack of blood flow to necessary organs. I couldn't help but squirm when he leaned back on his ankles, hands skimming around my waistband. My gaze averted as he pulled down my pajama pants and briefs, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"Shit, Fred," I seethed, body shuddering at the feeling of his hand gripping me and beginning to move.

"Mm," he hummed, "We haven't done it during the day in a while."

"Haah," I breathed out, back muscles seizing up involuntarily every time a jolt of pleasure shot through my body. "I- I have..ngh, I have stuff to- to do.."

"More like someone," he responded sultrily, "Get it?"

"Shut up," I ground out, hands reaching up to wrap around his neck as he leaned forward to kiss me.

"Come on, Thomas," Fred spoke lowly into my ear, my chest pressing against his as my back arched against my will. My eyes squinted shut, body shaking against the onslaught of sensations that hadn't existed only a few minutes ago.

"Fuck," I whimpered, "No, no-"

"Good boy," he praised prematurely, sending me over the edge as I felt every muscle in my body seize in unison, every single bit of my body rolling through the stages of intense feelings.

"Shit, shit," I hissed, still trembling.

"Hope that wasn't too mind blowing," Fred teased, "Because we're about to actually start."

"Huh?" I warily propped myself up as he climbed off of me, reaching toward his nightstand. "Ah, and here I thought you were a selfless lover."

"Me?" He laughed, eyes crinkling as he clambered back onto the bed to hover over me, peppering my face in kisses. "I am the most selfish lover to ever be," he giggled.

"Won't make that mistake again," I couldn't help but chuckle alongside him, his laughter was more than contagious.

My laughter was cut short by the cold feeling of Fred's finger pressing against my entrance, his lips pressing a comforting kiss against my neck to distract me. It didn't really work, and I still writhed and struggled against Fred's grip as his fingers pressed and stretched.

"You know," Fred breathed out, leaning back and situating himself between my legs at the edge of the bed. I looked down at him, eyes unwavering despite not having the desire to move any part of my body at all. "I distinctly remember someone saying they wanted to have my babies, it was a silly little thing-"

"Shut up," I immediately fussed, covering my eyes with my hands and pursing my lips in humiliation, "Why do you keep bringing that up, it's so-" I swallowed the rest of my words suddenly, head snapping to the side as my eyes widened.

Fred looked down at me triumphantly, his hips bumping against my thighs as he slid all the way in with no warning. My stomach twisted, and I felt my teeth dig into my bottom lip as my body adjusted.

"Mmf, fuck," Fred said lowly, letting out a breath. Hearing him say that, anything really, it made my body feel like it was on fire. Everything was suddenly heightened, and my eyes scanned down from his shoulders to his hips appreciatively.

I groaned quietly as Fred began to move, his hands gripped onto my hips tightly. His fingernails'd probably leave little half-moon indents on my skin, that was what my mind decided to focus on as the bed creaked underneath me softly.

"Hah, shit," I mumbled, eyes fluttering shut as I winced against the pleasure in the pressure between my hips.

"Ah, they're fucking again," I heard faintly from the common area, tired laughter bubbling up from my chest as I wearily opened my eyes a little to look at Fred's reaction.

His head was hung low, a small smile on his face as he continued, seemingly not a care in the world. Flinches and arches, I couldn't help but shudder as he leaned forward--body careening over mine as he sped up.

"Fred, please," I begged fingers twisting and ripping into the duvet as my back arched painfully. He answered, shoulders turning as I felt his hand touch me. It was overwhelming--much more than I had asked for.

Tears collected at the corners of my eyes as I felt a paralyzing pleasure overtake me, leaving me gasping and sputtering, eyes locked onto Fred's face as he continued. With a low growl in my ear as he collapsed down onto me, chest heaving, everything was finished.

We panted in the silence, the only sound aside from our breathing being the pots and pans banging around outside.

"I love you," he whispered, tone breathy and all over the place.

"I love you, too," I mumbled, pressing a lazy kiss against his neck as I closed my eyes.

There was a certain guilt in my chest as I caught my breath. Somewhere out there, something terrible was happening, and here we were in our little bubble as if nothing was happening. But that's okay, I suppose. If Fred wants to, I can pretend.

It's quite pleasant to be ignorant.

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