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My eyes opened to Fred sleeping peacefully beside me, and I had never felt more confused in my life. My whole body somehow felt sore, grimy, and gross after just a night's sleep. Just what happened last night? Did I go running around the block for five hours straight?

I blinked my crusty eyes open a few times, looking around the room with squinted vision. What time was it? George was also still asleep in his bed, snoring softly, so I assumed way too early. I clambered over Fred, who only grunted in protest before spreading out and taking up all of the room on the bed.

I huffed out a breath, no going back to sleep I suppose.

The wood floor felt frigid beneath my bare feet, and I scurried over to my slippers quickly. My stomach growled, complaining of having nothing since lunch yesterday. From the sound of it, it didn't seem like anyone else was awake, and I popped my head into the landing to make sure.

My happiness only grew as I heard Molly humming from downstairs, and I took the steps two at a time as I went to the kitchen. There she was, in all her motherly glory wiping down the counters. A stack of dishes was beside the sink and a banner reading 'Congratulations Ron And Hermione NEW PREFECTS' hung haphazardly over the windows.

"Did I miss all the fun?" I asked quietly from the doorway, hoping to not startle her.

"Oh, yes, dear. I'm so sorry," Molly replied without missing a beat, "We did get the booklists, though. So let me know if you need to go get anything."

"Ron and Hermione are prefects?" I asked, taking a seat at the table.

"Yes! Oh, isn't that something. Ron Weasley, prefect. Just like his brother," she said, her tone growing a bit sadder at the end.

"I'm sure he'll do amazing," I said confidently, lying. Who in their right mind would make Ron a prefect?

"Oh, yes. Are you hungry, Tom? I was about to start on breakfast."

"Yes, please," I replied quickly, "Do you need some help?"

"Such a dear," she mumbled happily.

We made whole heaps of food, more than there had ever been for breakfast before. It only occurred to me as I watched food sizzle in pots and pans that today would be our last here in Grimmauld Place. Today was September first, Hogwarts Day.

"Should I go get the others up? We'll have to pack, I suppose."

"Oh, everyone packed last night, you're the only one left. Go get on with it now, I'll watch the food."

I didn't bother to comment on the fact she was turned the complete opposite way, not even watching the spatulas and ladles turn themselves lazily. I padded back upstairs, peering into our bedroom before closing the door behind me softly. Both Fred and George were still sound asleep, their long limbs sticking out of their beds at odd angles.

The room was noticeably cleaner, no clothes tossed over footboards or cups left on the nightstand anymore. How had I not seen their suitcases all closed up, neatly stacked by the door? The only things left out in the room were toothbrushes and a change of clothes. Then there was my suitcase, still left open on a chair in the corner. Then again, as I glanced around the room one more time, I remembered I didn't have much stuff with me to begin with.

All I had to do was change into some trousers and a shirt, pack up my pajamas, and tuck my slippers into an outside pocket of my luggage. Sure, I might have folded stuff and moved my books around, but I was more or less packed up the entire time we were here, I suppose.

"Tom?" I heard sleepily from my right, and I turned to see Fred prop himself up on his elbow. "What are you doing awake?"

"It's morning, silly," I mumbled, walking over to him and gently running my hand through his hair. Fred hummed and pressed into my touch.

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