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I watched anxiously as one student after another submitted their names to the goblet. A Ravenclaw, then a Hufflepuff, then a Durmstrang. Endless Gryffindors submitted their names, and then it came to Fred and George. They were visibly too young, everyone mumbled as the two approached the circle, their buzzing coming to a slow halt as they reached it.

Giggling like village idiots, the two wrapped their arms together and downed my potion, patting themselves down to make sure no organs were melting. They laughed as they hopped into the circle, tossing their names in and high fiving.

"Wow," I breathed, shocked it had actually worked. For a moment it set in that either one of them could actually be picked, and then go through life threatening tasks.

I didn't want that.

If one of them were hurt, I could never forgive myself for enabling their stupidity.

And then the beards grew.

"You've got a beard!" George called out.

"No, you've got a beard!" Fred retorted, the two of them immediately feeling their faces and seeing their graying hair.

"Ahh!" The two screamed, their bodies being forcefully tossed from the circle as if the goblet kicked them in the arse itself. Two flaming, angry pieces of paper shot themselves out and flittered to the ground helplessly.

As the failure of their attempt sunk in, the two of them looked at each other, immediately quarreling about what a stupid idea it was. I've no idea who threw the first punch, but the quickly devolved into fighting on the ground, and I covered my mouth as I watched the two of them pummel each other until some Gryffindors dragged them away.

The entire room had broken out into cheers and laughter at the sight, but I had felt a little more worried.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, sinking into my seat as I realized a sibling feud had broken out just in front of me, and I got to witness it.

Nobody really felt like watching after that, but we all sunk back into our seats as the Beauxbatons filed into the room in orderly fashion to one by one enter their name into the goblet. I quickly followed the other Hufflepuffs out of the room and into the hall, standing just past the door and thinking back to what just happened in disbelief.

"Well wasn't that a show," I heard muttered from behind me, and I turned to find Glinda with her arms crossed, looking unimpressed. "You did tell them it wouldn't work."

"Right on, I did," I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"So stop feeling guilty."

I swallowed thickly, avoiding Glinda's gaze and instead focusing on my shoes as we walked.

"Can we go practice again?"

"Ugh," she sighed, "Fine, only because I haven't anything better to do."

We had found the room wasn't just a charmed tea room, but rather a charmed space in general. It would give us a variety of things as long as we thought of what we wanted while we passed it, Glinda and I just so happened to desire a ballroom.

It was the same one that appeared every time, with floor length mirrors and no windows. Cream curtains were draped along the ceiling and dainty chandeliers lit the space. A soft waltz played from a gramophone at all times on a loop in the corner.

We got into position silently, the two of us going through the motions of how our house leaders had taught us earlier that week.

"You know, I heard from Hermione that McGonnagall made Ron be her partner for the example."

"No," I whispered in shock, "She didn't. Oh no, I bet the twins hopped on that quick."

"Oh, I didn't think about that. Proper good sibling fuel there."

We spun around for a little bit, practicing our footwork especially.

"You know, I should be the guy," Glinda said, halting our waltz.

"What?" I bit out, shocked. "I'm a guy, Glinda."

"Yeah, but I doubt Fred'll let you lead," she smirked.

"I-" My cheeks heated up at her observation, and I pursed my lips at my lack of a comeback.

"Exactly, so I should be leading to help you practice."

"Well, I should be leading to help you practice."

"Am I the one constantly asking to practice? I know how to waltz, Soot."

"Ugh," I muttered, feeling Glinda put her hand on the small of my back as she arrogantly started leading me in the dance.

It hadn't occurred to me that I wouldn't be leading during the waltz at the Yule Ball, I have no idea how something like that would escape me. Of course Fred would be 'the guy' during the dance, not only was he...well, I don't know. But, he's taller. Fred would also never let me get away with leading him on the dance floor, no way.

"Glinda, who are you taking to the ball?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, I haven't been asked yet," she mumbled. "But I'm hopeful."

"Hopeful for who?"

"No need for you to go sticking your nose in my business," she smiled mischeviously. "You'll find out when he asks me."

"So it's a guy?" I asked, latching onto any clues I could. "Do I know him?"

"Mm, maybe. Not quite sure..."

"Merlin, you're so cryptic. And for what?" I laughed. "I hope he asks you soon, it'll be funny to see some poor, sorry sod have to follow you like a puppy all night."

Her eyes sparkled cleverly as she replied, "Wouldn't that be a sight to see?"

Glinda decided to leave to go do homework in the library as usual, but I thought it might be time for me to check up on the twins and make sure everything was okay. I couldn't have the two of them quarreling during the TriWizard tournament, after all.

"Could you see if Fred is here?" I asked a random Gryffindor boy heading in, and he assured me he'd look.

Well, I stood there for a good long while. I was a minute from assuming Fred wasn't here, or that the boy had completely forgotten. Eventually I moved to sit down on a bench, looking down at my hands idly, sometimes randomly flexing them.

"Hey, sorry that took so long," Fred stumbled out of the painting, looking at me apologetically.

"Oh, what was the hold up?"

"Message got lost in translation," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I," I stood to try and match his height. "I just wanted to make sure you and George were okay."

"Ugh, that idiot. He immediately started blaming me for the potion going wrong."

"Oh, well, it isn't your fault."

"I know, I was so sure we'd found a way around it, though. Plus, George and I are fine now. After we got over being mad it didn't work, the beards were sort of funny."

"Maybe you can enter next year, and then you can be the cool foreign student," I smiled as he looked at me.

"Mm, you've got a point."

"I know I do."

Fred reached over and grabbed my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles as he continued to look at me. His hand was warm, and it felt nice to have some of that heat spread through my own body. I hadn't realized how chilly it was in this hallway until this moment, but I was silly for not having my robe on me.

"Curfew is soon," he mumbled.

"I know," I quietly replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow, hm?"

"Yes, of course," I responded, watching him turn away and disappear into the Gryffindor common room again.

My heart was a bit heavy as I walked back down to the basement.

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