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"I want to take you to Hogsmeade," Fred said, hands drifting down my arms to take my fingers in his, "Just us two, alright?"

"I mean, alright," I mumbled, feeling a blush coming on.

"We'll walk around, and have some butterbeer, alright?"

"Alright," I agreed, looking up at him. He'd been worrying about me, I know he was. I shouldn't make him worry, it's not my job to add to his problems. I'm supposed to be the person who takes away his problems and eases his mind, here I am doing the opposite.

"Stop thinking so hard," he brushed my hair back from my forehand, hand resting on top of my head as he pressed a chaste kiss against my skin. "It's not good for the mind to be overworked."

"Neither is it good for the body," I mumbled, "You haven't been doing too much, have you?"

"Define too much," his gaze slid off mine.

"You've been going to every quidditch practice despite being banned from the team--for life, might I add."

"Well, I had nothing to do with that," he said haughtily.

"You surely would have if your team hadn't have held you back."

"Is that so wrong?"

I bit my lip, not sure what the right answer was. Fred leaned in, hands lightly wrapping around my arms as he kissed me softly. His hands snaked their way to my sides, wrapping around my waist as he pulled me closer.

"Mh," I grunted quietly.

"Tell me what's wrong," he whispered, hand gripping the back of my thigh and pulling my leg forward, forcing me to lean onto him in order to keep my balance.

"Hah," I breathed out harshly, glancing down to see no space was left between me and Fred's leg.

"Tell me," he mumbled, "Everything."

I squeezed my eyes shut in protest, ignoring him. He couldn't keep pulling things out of me, it was something for me to hold onto and carry the weight of--I'm sick of dragging him down with me every time my thoughts got a little too overwhelming.

"No," I whispered, body shuddering as Fred left taunting kisses along my neck.

"Why not?" His voice was low, seeping into my ears and making my entire body shiver as the sound settled into me. I almost felt like if I didn't tell him, it'd be dangerous.

"I don't..want to," it took every ounce of effort in my body to keep my tone somewhat level.

"I just want to help," he mumbled, tongue tracing my ear lobe before biting softly, "Let me help."

"Mm," I hummed squeezing my eyes shut tighter, hands gripping onto the fabric of his shirt.

Just as sudden as it started, Fred's hands pushed me off, sending me staggering backward into an unsteady position. Confusion washed over me as I stared at him, watching him lean against the back of the couch with a nonchalant look on his face, like he'd never even touched a single part of my body moments before.

"What?" I breathed out, almost feeling like I'd been robbed.

"If you can trust me with your body, why can't you trust me with your thoughts?" He asked, looking the most fierce I'd ever seen him.

"I-" I sputtered, closing my mouth when I realized I had nothing to say in response. He had a point, a very good one at that. Fred wasn't just someone I hung out with, he's my boyfriend. One of the most trusted people in my life--the only person who actually knows what little semblance I do about my own life.

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