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"This is stupid," I deadpanned.

"Impossible, I came up with the idea myself," Glinda corrected, George nodding alongside her.

"Isn't it kind of odd how your description full of lies was pretty similar to how Fred smells you?" George wondered aloud,

"I didn't lie, I was saving my own skin."

"By avoiding telling the boy who clearly smelled you when inhaling a love potion? Hm, yeah sounds like a good plan to me." Glinda rolled her eyes at George's sarcastic response, smiling anyways.

"Just sit down next to him when we get in there, and then he'll smell the flowers and perfume and realize it's you. It's foolproof, you're sure he's going to smell him, right?"

"Well, he'll be sitting right next to him," George shrugged, "Probably."

"I'm going to need better than a probably, Weasley," Glinda snapped, "This needs to work, otherwise Thomas is going to have to tell him directly and that won't happen within the next century."

"Merlin's beard," I mumbled to myself, taking an insecure sniff of my robe.

Glinda had rubbed flower petals all over me for at least ten minutes, and spritzed a tiny bit of her perfume on the back of my neck for good measure.

"Let's get on with it then, don't want the perfume to wear off," Glinda led the way into the library, taking her seat diagonal from Fred and giving him a smile.

"About time you guys got here, a gaggle of Ravenclaws about killed me when I said I was saving seats."

"Ooh, did they give you the speech?" George sat across from Fred, earning him a slightly puzzled look as I took his usual spot.

"Yeah," Fred sighed, probably reliving the spiel Ravenclaws give about 'This is a library, you can't just take up a whole table'.

"Well, we're here now," Glinda chimed in, emptying her bag onto the table and spreading out her textbooks. "Today is D.A.D.A. review for me, what about you guys?"

"Herbology," I responded, Fred glanced at me like he had just remembered I was there.

"Aren't you pretty much an expert in herbology, though?" George asked, winking at me.

"I don't know, I guess," my cheeks warmed at the compliment.

"You don't say," Fred exclaimed, "Help me with this then."

Rather than study, I helped Fred review pretty much the entire study session, which was quite alright with me. I could have done without Glinda and George looking overly pleased with themselves though, that was humiliating.

"Do you guys smell that?" Fred interrupted my explanation of how to convince a fanged geranium to let you harvest some of its fangs.

"Smell what?" Glinda blinked innocently, giving me a smirk as Fred looked away.

"Did a girl walk by just now?" He continued, glancing behind him to check.

"No, it's pretty empty today. Why?" George also played dumb, even putting down his textbook.

"Baker, are you wearing perfume?"

"Not today, I'm not seeing anyone important," she lifted up her robe to take a sniff, shaking her head.

"Ouch," George and Fred said in unison.

"Nevermind then," and just like that the subject was dropped. Glinda and George sullenly went back to their textbooks, sharing looks of disbelief and disappointment.

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