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When I sat up, my head was empty as can be. Well, perhaps I was thinking about how comfortable the bed was, with all the pillows and the lush blanket. I might have even observed how it was raining outside and how cozy that made the room feel, what with the fire rumbling away and all that.

The memories of what had happened earlier, however, hit me like a freight train when I looked to my right and saw Fred Weasley passed out beside me wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Oh, shit," I hissed, lifting the covers to see me wearing just my briefs.

The discarded bottle of lube and the rest of our clothes were gracefully draped over the floor, and the curtains kept the bed area dimly lit. I hadn't even remembered there being potted flowers and candles all around the bed, sitting on the nightstands and random bookshelves that littered the walls.

"Hm, what's wrong?" Fred groaned as he woke up, blinking sleepily as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Nothing, nothing," I muttered, feeling my face heat up even more. I jumped at the feeling of Fred's arms wrapping around my waist and dragging me over to him.

"I think this may be my favorite room in the entire castle," he smiled, looking up at me.

"I wonder why," I pressed my lips together tightly as I remembered my thought process from before.

Part of me was extremely grateful that I was sleep deprived for our...'first time', because if I had been in my right mind I know it would have been so much more humiliating.

"We had sex," I blatantly blurted out, slapping my hand over my mouth at what I just said.

"You don't say?" Fred asked, as if he was responding to me commenting on the weather. "I thank you for noticing. You did play an active role, you know."

"Oh, I know alright." I covered my red hot face and hung my head as memories of our time together flooded my brain. Embarrassing enough as that already was, just the memories themselves got a particular body part of mine all up in arms again.

"What's this?" He observed in that familiar way he did, making my stomach feel weird.

"It's nothing," I moved to try and shove him away, but let's be honest with ourselves. Wimpy little nerd wizard is gonna be ten times weaker than a seasoned bludger on the quidditch team.

"Sure doesn't feel like nothing to me," he teased.

"Fred," I groaned, watching with guarded eyes as he moved to sit on his heels in front of me, gently pulling at my calves.

"You're the one getting all excited, not me," he smirked, pulling me forward suddenly and causing my back to fall to the mattress and bounce slightly.

"I am not," I bit out, letting out a flustered noise as Fred nestled himself between my legs and leaned into me, creating a bit of favorable pressure.

"So you say."

The rest of the year followed suit like that, with us sneaking away and spending as much time as we could in our own little world. Of course, Glinda and George were absolutely relentless with their teasing and stuff, but I think it was worth it.

Just like that, Fred and I had been dating for a while, it was nice to be able to look at the boy I had become so sure that I would never be able to call my own and be able to kiss him with no consequences.

Well, sometimes there were consequences.

"Fred, this is the third time today," I said exasperatedly as he led me by the hand to the room we knew the way to by heart.

"And? I see no problem with that."

"I'm sure you don't," I muttered.

"I don't see why you would have a problem with me being cheeky like this," he smiled, opening and closing the door behind us. I found my back slamming against the wood roughly as Fred snaked his arm snaked its way around my waist, the other hand gripped my chin and tipped my face upwards. "It's my birthday after all."

"That gives you no right to-" My eyes widened as Fred cut me off with a kiss, dipping his tongue into my mouth and effectively shutting me the hell up.

"You were saying?" He murmured, stepping backwards and pulling me by the hands into the room.

"I was saying?" I wistfully repeated back as if he'd imperio'd me.

He hummed with happiness, backing up to the bed that had become a staple in our lives and falling backward, pulling me with him. I hit his chest with a huff, all the air being knocked out of me.

"It's a good thing it's too hot to wear robes right now," Fred observed, reaching around my back to slowly untuck my shirt.

"You-" I covered my mouth with my hand as I felt Fred sneak his fingers under my waistband.

"Go on, what were you going to say?" His eyes challenged me to go ahead, knowing what he was doing to me. What a bastard.

"You dog," I bit out quietly, a whisper at most. "You dirty, dirty dog."

Fred only gave me a smirk in response, sitting up just to capture me in a kiss and pull down on my hips to drag me into him.

"Calling people names is rude, Soot."

"Dragging people to rooms to have your way with them is also rude, Weasley."

"Ah, not if they enjoy it, though," he countered, beginning to unbutton my shirt.

I couldn't retort with a coherent response and ended up just stammering as his fingers gently drifted over my skin, down to my belt buckle.

"I can't do this again," I mumbled, "I'll pass out or something."

"A nap couldn't do you any harm," he nuzzled his face against my skin, leaving a trail of warm kisses across my chest.

"Ugh," the familiar sensation of being turned on made me feel even more hot and sticky now that it was summer, and I uncomfortably shifted as my pants began to feel more itchy and stuffy.

"Come to think of it," Fred spoke softly, pulling my arm to the side and flipping our positions. "I had something to ask you."

"And you think now is the best time to- haah..." I shuddered at the feeling of his hand gripping me, " ask this?"

"What better time could there be?"

"What is it, spit it out."

"How would you feel about spending the summer at the Weasley's?"

I felt my stomach drop, and not just because Fred had slid my briefs down to my knees and teased my entrance with a finger-without lube might I add. Only in my dreams had I imagined being invited to the Weasley's not just for a mere few weeks, but the several months of summer vacation.

"Yes, of course," I mumbled, eyes wide with surprise at his sudden question.

"Mm, good," he smirked, leaning down to place a kiss on my lips, before something cold pressed against me.

"Fuck," I ground out, suddenly remembering that I was at the complete mercy of the sadistic Fred Weasley. And now I would be for the entire summer.

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