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hello there, case here.

if you enjoyed lemon grass and sleep wayyy back in january when it ended, or perhaps even finished it just now and are sad it's over, please consider reading my new story that's just begun: dandelions.

it's not a fred fic, sorry about that, but it's a george bxb fic. it's a little more slow burn than lgas was, but i think it's much better writing than i could've ever hoped for my first fic (yikes). the chapters are also much longer (4500-5000 words, lgas was 1200-1500) and give me wayyy more wiggle room with how wordy and long scenes can be (which was a big issue in this book).

it's also much, much sweeter than lgas. it'll still have some spice, though, don't worry lol.

if george isn't your cup of tea, maybe wait around for my next story...milk and honey ;)

thanks for your time,

case <3

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