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Graduation at Hogwarts is a funny thing, I suppose. You work for six or seven years up until that point, filling your head with so much knowledge that's all equally important (or that's what we're supposed to say, anyways). It's a little crazy when you step up to receive your certificate and a little handshake.

I must say, the thing I was dreading was being forced to shake hands with Umbridge and pretend I liked her--or how she would ruin the graduation ceremony altogether. Luckily, things always seem to work themselves out at the end of a school year. Dumbledore returned in all his glory, shutting down any rumors that he had indeed been sent to Azkaban, or been living int he Forbidden Forest among the centaurs--crazy, outlandish things.

The Great Hall was filled with the final Leaving Feast for graduates, all of us packed into one big table and talking as loud as we wanted. Candles glittered in the air and all the banners were being flown today. After all, it was a day of celebration, there was no reason to be paying attention to petty house drama.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Halla asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

"I'm gonna chill at my parents for a while, probably," John sighed, "Not much I can do until I find something like ghostwriting or journalism."

"Mm, you could always work for the Quibbler," Jeremy snickered.

"Piss off," John sneered, "I want to go into something interesting, I mean, as interesting as N.E.W.T.s in history and charms can get me."

"You'll do fine," Halla assured, "There's always new things being added to history all the time."

"Yes, I would imagine so," I muttered, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"I'm applying to any position I can get at the Ministry," Jeremy rolled his eyes, "I've no idea what I want to do, so I imagine I'll just stick with whatever falls in my lap first."

"I want to come back to Hogwarts," Halla grinned widely, "McGonnagall said I have a real knack for transfiguration, you know? She said I could really become a professor."

"That's wonderful," I exclaimed, "I can't imagine a more interesting place to work, really."

"Well, that depends, where are you planning to go, Thomas?"

"Oh, uh," I fumbled, "I'm probably just going to continue my internship for a little while, healing magic is sort of complicated."

"You've got that right, no idea how you have the stomach for it."

"Someone has to," I mumbled.

"Students," Dumbledore addressed the table, "I must now, regrettably, announce the end of your final Leaving Feast. Though your journey at Hogwarts has come to an end, your life should always be filled with learning and earnest understanding. Remember the friends you made along the way, as well as the the lessons you learned, and the magic of Hogwarts will never leave you. The carriages await you, and I wish you all luck in all endeavors."

I drank it all in, eyes covering every surface like the first time I'd ever entered the castle. Would I be back in a few days for my shift at the infirmary? Yes, but I would be a Hogwarts graduate, and I would never see the castle from the lens of a student ever again. It would lose that little touch of mystery and magic that always clouded it in my head, and I felt torn up about it. Maybe that's normal, though, to not want to grow up.

"Back to the carriages one final time, hm?" Glinda sighed as she sidled up to me.

"Yeah," I mumbled, catching a glimpse of the thestrals. "I wonder if the twins will be on time."

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