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Winter was beginning to really set in now, snow dusted the Hogwarts grounds and was building up quite fast. Walking outside without a coat and scarf on was basically a death sentence, yet I stood out on the bridge leading to the fields anyways.

So much seemed to be going on despite nothing happening, it's an odd feeling. I felt the cold coin in my hand, running it between my fingers slowly as the thought mulled over in my mind. Hermione had handed them out and told us to check them in between meetings, it was a fake galleon coin meant to spread the DA meeting times.

Harry had said we were doing really good, that after Christmas we might even begin learning how to cast patronuses and big stuff like that. Everything was working out suddenly--Hagrid was back and Umbridge hadn't done anything too egregious lately.

Safe to say, my anxiety was through the roof. Why hadn't anything gone wrong lately? Even George and Glinda were back to their conniving selves, completely recovered from Glinda's confession last year. Everyone was acting like last summer hadn't even happened, like the entire wizarding world hadn't been wrapped up in the fear of Voldemort's return.

"Merlin," I muttered under my breath, eyes searching the fogged up lake for anything that might help me make sense of my irrational fears.

There was nothing out there, though. Of course there wasn't.

"Well, if it isn't the extra Weasley," I turned to my right to see a familiar head of light blond hair.

"Malfoy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I replied, not feeling like taking this shit much at all.

"We heard you and your little boyfriend are sneaking around, don't think we won't catch you breaking the decree."

"Don't have a clue what you're talking about," I brushed off, turning to go back into the castle.

"Go on then, run off to your brother--oh, sorry, boyfriend."

"Jealous I'm able to get some action and you aren't?" I stopped, glancing over my shoulder and giving him an unimpressed look. "Don't worry, you'll get there some day."

"At least I don't keep it in the family," he sneered.

"Yeah, because who'd find your bloodline attractive?" I scoffed, "Go pick on someone your own size."

The bridge seemed longer than it had when I walked down it earlier, but soon Malfoy was barely a fly in my ear. He said something after that, probably some stupid comeback so he could feel accomplished at having the last word. Malfoy was the least of my worries right now, and I glanced around nervously to check if there was a twin around to have witnessed that sorry attempt at bullying. Like Fred had mentioned, the two had literally nothing to lose at this point. I was sure some creative display to earn expulsion was just around the corner, all they needed was a tipping point.

My feet found their way to the library before I was aware that was where I'd been headed, and as I peered inside a familiar face greeted me from between the shelves.

"Fancy seeing you here," Glinda spoke softly, "I'd think you'd be in your little spot on the seventh floor."

"Thinking of switching it up a bit," I replied, joining her at a small table in the back.

"Ooh, spicy."

For a few minutes, we silently did our work together, but I could tell Glinda was slowly losing her ability to be quiet. Something seemed like ti wanted to jump from her lips the moment I entered the library.

"What is it?" I finally asked, glancing at her over the top of my book.

"Are you going to the Weasley's for Christmas?" She asked, letting out a sigh of relief.

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