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Seventh year was rubbish. Sure, I was enjoying my classes--most of them. Professor Umbridge was becoming less of a royal pain in the ass and more of a borderline psychopath from my point of view. Fred and George had been mostly lucky to escape detentions by the skin of their teeth--but the few detentions they'd earned left them ready to drop out already.

"Be sure not to stand too close to me," I mumbled, taking a step away from Glinda.

"Ugh, rubbish," she cursed, "What's she gonna do, give us detention?" Her expression soured as she came to the sudden realization that, yes, that's exactly what Umbridge would do.

"The twins are threatening to drop out again," I sighed, leaning back onto the stone sill of the hallway.

Other students walked around us, noticeably quieter than usual. It had slowly gotten to this point, where most people preferred to meet in the common areas for fear of Umbridge writing them up for one of the several dozen rules she'd decided were 'necessary for a productive learning environment'. Whatever that means.

"Tell them if they do, I'll beat them up," she warned, readjusting her bag.

"Unfortunately, I don't think that will work."

"Oh, it will," she said darkly, "Mark my words, Soot."

"Marked," I mumbled, "Did George tell you anything odd recently?"

"What does George say that isn't odd?" She deadpanned.

"Good point," I said quickly, "Fred said he had something important to ask me, didn't mention anything else about it."

"Perhaps he's proposing," she spoke like she was talking about the weather.

"Ugh," I grumbled, feeling my face flush.

"Have you guys talked about that?"


"What!" Glinda squealed, immediately forgetting about the purposeful distance between us. "When? Why? Did he actually propose?"

"No, no, Glinda," I sputtered, "We just...agreed that it would be nice. After school of course."

"Oh, where's the fun in waiting," she groaned, "It's not like you guys are ever gonna break up."

"We're still young," I reasoned, "Education comes first."

"Says the boyfriend of a potential drop out," she teased. "How much longer do you think they'll hold out?"

"I hope the rest of the year."

"Better make that more realistic, Soot."

All I could do was let out a sigh of disappointment, I knew she was right. Barely anything was holding them back from dropping out, and I was honestly shocked they were still here every single day I saw them.

"Well look who it is," Glinda said coolly, turning to the side.

I glanced over to see Fred approaching, his goofy grin immediately making me sprout one of my own.

"What's got the mood so down over here?" He said, leaning on the banister.

"Just Umbridge," Glinda lied, sighing.

"Ugh, don't speak that name around me," Fred grumbled. "Did you guys see her steal one of our fireworks? We were just tossing it around during free time."

"That doesn't sound too safe," I muttered.

"Oh, pish posh," Glinda flipped her hand at me, "You have more anyways, right?"

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