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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Fred chanted under his breath, following out the door quickly alongside George to open the store.

"She's been out there nearly twenty minutes..." George fussed as he buttoned up his vest, the door soon shutting quietly behind them.

"You'd think they'd have some alarms, or something," Glinda mumbled, sitting with me at the dining table. "Or give Verity a key."

"Well, that'd make too much sense," I sighed, "So obviously they don't."

"Whatever," she mumbled, standing and getting the kettle out. "Care for a cuppa?"

"I don't think I've ever had so much tea in my life as I have in this flat," I muttered, nodding my head.

"Well, it's either tea or starving," Glinda replied, "We need to go grocery shopping, desperately."

"I'll go later today," I offered, excited to...well, actually have something to do, for once.

"Mm," she grumbled lowly in acknowledgment, watching the water fill the kettle numbly.

I took in a deep breath for a brief moment, leaning back in my chair. Last year around this time, I was on my way back to Hogwarts after spending a third of my summer in Grimmauld Place. Every so often time wouldn't feel real, like April had been just last week and I'd only finished my last N.E.W.T. examination the other day. Yet, here was Glinda making me tea on her day off from Auror training.

"So, am I supposed to pretend I didn't see you in George's room this morning?" I asked slyly, a smirk pulling at my lips when Glinda slowly turned around with a red-handed look on her face.

"Yes, you are," she batted her eyelashes, her charm barely working on me.

"Mm, I don't know if Fred will agree," I mumbled, smiling when she rolled her eyes.

"Make him," she whined, her shoulders cringing up as she pulled the hissing kettle off the stove and pouring two cups of boiling water. "If you two scare him off me again I'll lose my mind."

"I'm surprised you're still so smitten with him, it seems like you're at each other's throats twenty-four seven."

"It's how we flirt," she replied nonchalantly, "At least that's what I tell myself."

"Oh, okay," I replied, "I'll pretend to believe that, at least."

"Thomas," she hissed, "I swear I'll beat you up if you tease him even a little."

"Don't come at me," I held up my hands in surrender, "Fred's the one you've gotta worry about."

I pulled gently at the tea bag as she placed a cup in front of me, biting her lip in irritable thought.

"His bed's really comfy, though."

"Is that all you've got to say about it?" I snorted, crossing my legs at the ankle.

"I mean," she acted bashfully out of character, a strand of hair twirling around her finger, "His arms were pretty strong..."

"Better be, he was a beater," I mumbled.

"Is that how it feels to be cuddled by Fred?" She exclaimed, like she'd forgotten they were identical twins until just now. "Like--he's all toned, and his arms are super heavy?"

"Uh," I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, why?"

"I suddenly have no idea how you didn't lose your shit anytime he touched you," she sighed, "I swear, his fingers are like magic and-"

"I'd rather you stop there," I pursed my lips, cheeks already burning, "I have no need to know about your extracurricular activities."

"Oh, can it, you prude," she teased, "We didn't do anything like that, though I wouldn't complain..."

"You wouldn't?"

Glinda and I snapped our heads to see George standing in the front doorway with a shit eating grin on his face. His shoulder was leaned against the door frame, meaning he could have been there the entire time, just listening.

"Uh," Glinda sputtered, "Well, that's what I just said, didn't I?"

"Just making sure I heard properly," he shrugged, leaving back into the shop right after.

I swallowed nervously, glancing over at Glinda only once I saw the door shut completely. She reminded me of myself, a red blushing mess whose hands jittered as they stirred her tea.

"That was a little unexpected," I whispered, unable to convince myself George wasn't just outside the door listening.

"A little!" Glinda burst out loudly, hand slamming on the table, "That was the most humiliating moment of my life."

"Well, I can easily think of a few others," I scoffed, eyes widening when I realized that was definitely not the right thing to say. Glinda stood, pacing the length of the kitchen back and forth.

I let her do her thinking, eyes following her--back and forth, back and forth--while taking sips of my still scalding tea. Glinda's eyes never left the floor, her steps measured as her unbrushed hair gently swayed behind her.

"Does that mean he likes me?" She suddenly stalled, looking at me.

"I would say it means he more than likes you, he basically outright said he'd have sex with you."

"He did?" Glinda leaned onto the table, eyes unblinking as they stared into the depths of my soul and demanded I spill every single secret I'd ever had the misfortune of keeping.

"You heard the same words I did," I mumbled, "I'd be shocked if he doesn't jump you when you sleep in there tonight-"

"You think he'll let me sleep in there again?" She eagerly sat back down, suddenly overjoyed at just the thought, "I mean, I barged in there half asleep last night and he sort of yelled at me--but then when I laid down he-"

I shook my head, letting out a frustrated sigh. Glinda kept going on about last night and how everything went down, unfortunately for me she left out no detail.

"Fred must give you the best sleep," she gushed, "I don't think I've ever been so comfortable in my life, and I had charmed pillows at my parent's house."

"Charmed pillows?"

"They always were fluffy and cold," she sighed dreamily, "But George's bed is so warm--he's so warm! And it's nice and dark in there, I've no idea how you and Fred sleep with the curtains open."

"We like the sunrise," I murmured, taking a sip of my tea and placing down my empty cup. "It's peaceful."

"I imagine Fred doesn't need an alarm when you're an early riser. Well, until you get your own job that'll tire you out. Actually, have you gotten any word back on your application?"

"Oh," I quietly gasped, startled at the sudden question, "No, they said it could take up to a week for processing."

"Processing my ass," Glinda bit out, "They're just making you wait because they can."

"I'd like to think getting into the medical field is a bit thorough," I replied, "Healers are important people. I don't want to be accepted just because I applied."

"You'll be accepted because you have experience," she stated, nodding her head in agreement with herself, "How many fresh graduates can say they've had intensive training at Hogwarts?"

"I'd imagine only one," I mumbled.

"That's you, and it's amazing," she assured me, saying it like it was fact, "And you'll get the job no issue."

"I'm glad you think so," I smiled, watching her stand up and go dig through her luggage for clothes to go out in.

I was a little bummed I didn't have something to do, now that Glinda was going for groceries. But, I suppose there was laundry to be done and tidying up to do, my favorite summer activities. Once she left I was alone in the flat, nothing except the noise from customers just beyond the door muffledly finding its way inside.

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