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I swallowed thickly as my heavy feet dragged me to the Hufflepuff common room. Thinking back to the conversation George and I had just had made me sick to my stomach with anxiousness.

"How do you know?" I had asked quietly, eyes glancing up at him through my lashes.

"Well, half the time you're staring at him it feels like you're staring at me, and I'm at least half as oblivious as he is. Gotta give myself a bit of credit here, you know? Also your eyes must be made of straight fire or something, they burn holes into clothing it feels like."

"Sorry," was the only stupid response I could think of.

"Just let me know when you plan to make your move," he winked again, patting me on the shoulder firmly before going into the library himself. I didn't bother turning to look at him walk inside, instead scurrying away in a rush of panic.

Merlin, what was I going to do now? That may have been the most embarrassing moment of my life this week, which is saying something because I fell down the great stairs the other day in front of a Prefect.

So George knew? He must've known all this time, too, since he noticed me staring at Fred at quidditch tryouts. Or was he calling my bluff? Oh no, I totally fell into his trap, damn it. I can't let Glinda know that George also knows about my little predicament, the two of them would be a horribly cruel duo--I can already tell.

I was on autopilot until my toes bumped into the barrels outside of the common area, bringing me back to the present. I nervously tapped the password into the barrel in the middle of the second row, two from the bottom with the tip of my finger quietly.

"Hel-ga, Huff-le-puff," I whispered under my breath to make sure I got it right. Now would not be a good time to be doused with vinegar. The door swung open with a slight creak and welcomed me into the familiarity of the common room.

At least three couches were occupied by students wrapped up in fluffy blankets taking naps, I sure wish that were me right now. A fire blazed in the large fireplace across the room and filled the air with warmth despite the windows being open to let snow accumulate on the sills. A plant choir directed by an older girl practiced in the corner, softly singing lullabies.

It was moments like these that I hoped my time at Hogwarts would never end, I could never imagine leaving the warmth and comfort my house provided me just by existing in our little cellar space.

"Hi, Thomas," I turned to find Halla holding a covered basket in her arms, "Would you care for some muffins? The house elves had made too many."

I took my fair share of muffins and made my way to my dorm, which was on the farthest left. Just like the common room, the dorm was warm and welcoming, although a bit quieter.

"Ooh, are those muffins?" Jeremy asked, flipping his hair to the side and pinning it back with a hair pin.

"Mm, Halla brought them," at the mention of free food, the other boys in the room escaped quickly to claim their portions.

With the room empty, I collapsed onto my bed with a deep sigh. Without my textbooks to weigh me down, and a few warm bites of blueberry muffin in my stomach, I had to admit I felt a little better. Perhaps it was just seasonal depression making everything seem ten times worse--and the stress from the impending O.W.L.s couldn't be underestimated.

Maybe all I needed was a good nap before a nice dinner?

Personally, I think I got the best bed out of the lot. Mine was to the left of the door, facing the rest of the room, but that just meant I could see out of all the windows. Plus, I was closest to the stove to keep my feet warm at night.

I hung my robe up on the hook at the end of my bed and decided to just sleep in my clothes, those tended to be the best naps anyhow. Plus, Glinda would be coming to fetch me before dinner in just an hour or so.

It felt like my eyes had only been closed for a few blissful seconds before I felt Jeremy's hand grip my shoulder and shake it gently.

"Soot, someone's here for you. I think they said it was that blonde girl, what's her name? Linda?"

"Glinda," I drowsily corrected him, sitting up and dragging my hands down my face roughly. "What time is it?"

"About seven, I'd say," he muttered, glancing upwards as he tried to remember. "John, you've got a watch, ain't you?"

"It's a bit past seven," John replied, barely looking away from his textbook to check.

"Alright then, she been waiting long?" I pulled my robe on and slid into my shoes, not bothering to bring my bag or anything.

"Not that I know of, someone came to get me while I was studying in front of the fire."

"Good, then I'll see you boys later."

Just like they said, Glinda was waiting with that familiar look of superiority about her as I stepped out of the basement door.

"Did I wake you from your nap, sleeping beauty?"

I groaned, "Someone told you?"

"I have my sources," she giggled, tucking her satchel behind her as we walked toward the great hall.

"So you say," I mumbled, continuing to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Which table shall we eat at this time, mine or yours?"

"Mm, we did mine last time. It's only fair to switch," we walked slowly around the mostly vacant tables, making our way to the Ravenclaw house dinner table.

I couldn't help but notice a pair of redheads sat together in the Gryffindor area. A tinge of embarrassment settled in the tips of my ears as soon as it registered in my head that George surely threw a glance my way.

Had he kept his promise? What if Fred already knew, and the two were planning a prank on me?

"So," Glinda began speaking, taking some rolls onto an empty plate and sitting down. "Do you have something to tell me?"

I swallowed thickly, of course she already knew. What was the point in even planning on avoiding telling her?

"So George talked to you?" My words came out weakly as I glanced up at her.

"Of course he did, I think all of us know you'll never make a move unless we shove you very hard."

"I guess so," I muttered, embarrassed that everyone was meddling in my love life so much.

My stomach sank slowly as I munched on some broccoli, realizing that the world's most conniving duo may have been unrecognized this entire time. Sure, Fred and George could be creatively cruel in their pranks and teasers, but Glinda and George had an untapped potential that hadn't been explored yet. They also had new material Fred had never known about: my sad, sorry ass.

"Don't tell me the two of you already have a plan?" I meekly asked, halfway already knowing the answer this overly ambitious girl was about to tell me.

And with a smirk, she replied, "Well of course we do."

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