all might

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"I won't be teaching today"
Aizawa said as he barely stepped into the classroom.

"Huh?" The class said in unison.

"BECAUSE I WILL BE TEACHING TODAY!!!!" All might screamed.

The class gasped as cheers shortly followed, Midoriya remained unphased for a couple seconds until-
"Oh wait I have to be excited"

"All might!!!"

Today I will lead class!
Get into your hero outfits and meet me at ground beta!!!"


Midoriya stood amongst the class, all dressed up in their outfits.

Midoriya's outfit was all black to help with his stealth, amongst it he had pockets to hold all of his things, inner pockets, bullet proof padding, metal plating on his hands and arms, a hoodie, a metal mask, and black steel soled shoes.

All of this was made to protect him and provide offense, a perfect outfit.

Midoriya had submitted the design with AFO's help, it was going to be his villain outfit once everything blowed over.

"Alright class!!!
I'm here to explain how this'll work!

You will be put into pairs!
After your pairs are decided pairs will face off against each other.

1 team as the villain team
1 team as the hero team.

The heroes Job is to acquire the weapon the villains have to guard.
All it requires is a tap to win.

The villain's job is to make sure the heroes can't get to the weapon no matter what.

Both teams can win if one or the other subdues the other.

The villains are allowed to choose where they want the weapon however.
And heroes can't know where it is!

Any questions?"

No one really had a question, everything was solid.

"Alright then!!!
The parings.

Team A
Izuku Midoriya and Kyoka jirou!!

Team B
Katsuki bakugo and rikido Sato!!

Team C
Momo yaoyorozu and toru hagakure!!

Team D
Denki kaminari and Tenya iida!!

All might then continued to announce all the teams.

He then put the letters in the box and picked out 2 letters.

Team A vs Team D!!!"

"I guess I'll finally be able to see how their quirks work.
I have to play as hero, bleh."
Midoriya stretched as he found jirou and stood outside the building.

"Explain your quirk so I can come up with a good plan" he yawned.

Uh my quirk allows for me to listen in at noises impossible to hear by the average ear.
I can also amp up my heart beat and send it in blasts I call it heart beat distortion" she replied.

"Hm, that works perfectly.
Alright, I want you to figure out where kaminari and Iida are.
From what I know of them so far, it's likely kaminari will want to come down the stairs and fight us and leave iida to gaurd the weapon.

Though, iida is fast.

I say we both take down kaminari down here and then go upstairs to take down iida.
Sound good?"
Midoriya explained.

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