Amateur Spies vs Expert Villain

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Midoriya looked around his room, he didn't leave it this clean.
The more he looked the more he noticed things in their original spots but not how he had put them.

His uniform wasn't folded neatly on his chair originally, but it was now...

"Amateurs, they left my room spotless not how it originally was-
And this camera footage proves it was Monoma and Kacchan. Clean freaks...

I'm surprised they didn't find my daggers, they're everywhere.
In such obvious spots no one cares to check"
Midoriya chuckled to himself as he stared at his picture frames.

He sighed, "looks like I have to be on extra guard.
But now that Aizawa knows how the plan is going to work I'm not too worried.
Everything now is about waiting

And all I have to do is be patient. Though, even if those 2 saw a slip up in my strained politeness no one would believe that im a villain off of that.

Though I have to say-
This is going to be fun"


It was finally free period.
Midoriya was chilling in the library alone though he couldn't help but feel he was being watched.

And well...

It was because he was being watched.

He checked the cameras straight from his phone, Bakugo and Monoma were sitting behind him behind a bookshelf Peeping over while pretending to read.

"I could make this fun."
Midoriya grinned as he turned off the lights from his phone.

A gasp could be heard from Monoma and bakugo as the flights turned on again once more.
Midoriya was gone.

"He disappeared??"


"Ugh we didn't record it"

"Record what?" A voice from the side said.

Bakugo and Monoma were startled as they creaked their heads over and saw Midoriya smiling right back at them.

They let out a startled peep as Midoriya chuckled, "you 2 look like deers in a headlight"
He snapped a pic and put his phone back in his pocket.

"How did y-"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT DEKU?!" Bakugo screamed per usual.

"When the lights flicked off I walked around to find the light switch.
As you can see it's right here"
Midoriya pointed to the light switch by the door that bakugo and Monoma were close to.

"And that's when I saw you 2, ya know it's unlike you 2 to hang out. Especially at a library.
Good to see you're getting along" Midoriya chuckled.

The 2 exchanged glances, spying on Midoriya was going to be harder than they thought...
He had eyes everywhere.

"Anyways, I got to get going. Bye"
Midoriya walked out the library, leaving the 2 alone.

"I couldn't even hear him move in the dark..."

"...neither could I...
Tsk, spying on him is harder than spying on anyone else...
He notices somehow."

"We have to catch up to him don't we... We're going to lose him if we don't"

Monoma and bakugo jumped to their feet as they sped walked down the hallway in search for Midoriya.

They ended up passing by the classroom and that's when they found him.
He was talking to Aizawa.

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