"I AM HERE" all might said with a face of anger.
"Oh wait, hold on.
The show is just getting started.Nomu!
Attack all might!" Shigaraki shouted.The Nomu hopped off of Aizawa and attacked all might.
Midoriya and kaminari sprang to Aizawa's side as to not seem suspicious as they dragged him away."Why didn't...
You 2 evacuate??" Aizawa forced out."Didn't have a chance to"
Happened...?""Smoke guy warped us all away, half the class is missing"
Kaminari replied as they ran off.A shout could be heard from above, "GUYS!
I found Aizawa sensei!
But he needs help!" Uraraka shouted.Kaminari and Midoriya paused as they looked up, uraraka, yaoyorozu, and asui jumped down.
"We're better at carrying him, put him here"
Yaoyorozu said as she loaded out a stretcher that was floating because of uraraka."Fair enough" Midoriya and kaminari said in unison as asui helped load him on.
They ran off with with Aizawa, rushing him to get help.
"Let's go watch the fight"
Kaminari said as he ran off.Midoriya followed behind to go see how the fight went cause he was curious too.
When they arrived, all might was being dragged through a warp gate with the Nomu holding him in place for him to be sliced in half.Their eyes widened, "you think we'll win on the first attempt?" Kaminari whispered.
"No idea...
If there aren't any interferences then ma-"
Midoriya was cut off when ice surged the Nomu and covered it in half, making it release it's grip on all might as Bakugo exploded Kurogiri and pinned him to the ground."Guess not" both said in unison as they ran to todoroki to make it seem like they were trying to help too.
All might coughed up blood, wiping it off with his wrist.
"It's a shame I needed help but now I'm back and ready to take you down one and for all.
You understand me?!
Villains!" He screamed.The Nomu regenerated after breaking off the ice, it charged at all might head on and got into a 1 on 1 battle with him.
Midoriya's eyes widened, "he's punching it at 100%...
Every punch is with all his power and his striking weak points""How do you even see that??"
Midoriya shrugged his shoulders as he intently watched.
"DETROIT SMASH!!!!" All might screamed delivering one final blow as the other heroes came in as back up.
"Tch, stupid Nomu" shigaraki muttered as he watches it fly out the dome.
He shouted.Kurogiri escaped bakugo's grasps and opened a warp gate from shigaraki to all might, shigaraki stuck his hand inside and tried to grab all might but then-
He was shot.
He fell back, kurogiri quickly tried to cover up shigaraki but he was shot 3 more times before he could completely cover him.
Midoriya's eyes widened, anger surged him as he turned his head and stared at the hero who just blatantly shot his brother.
I'll kill him"Kurogiri warped away immediately, taking shigaraki with him and making an escape.
Midoriya tried his best to maintain his act but with the anger that was pumping through him, he was struggling.

Deadly Gifted...
Fanfiction"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing in his special case. Instead of a quirk... He was given a gift. A rather... Deadly. Gift... A Villain Deku fan...