"This mattress is harder than usual..." Izuku said as a pit hit his stomach.
He quickly jumped off the bed and stared at it in confusion."Don't tell me she's under the mattress..." Tomura glanced at Izuku, his mouth slightly dropped.
Izuku grabbed the mattress and lifted it up, revealing Eri who was smushed in-between another mattress.
"HOW DID YOU BREATHE IN THERE???" The both of them shouted in discombobulation.
Tears formed in Eri's eyes as her lips quivered in fear.
"Wait wait wait"
Tomura and Izuku said In unison as they panicked."Why are you crying??" Izuku asked.
"I-i l-lost"
"No you didn't!"
"Y-you're gonna h-hurt me n-now"
Eri hiccked as she wiped away aggressive tears that were getting everywhere.
"Wait wait Eri-
When did you think we were going to do that??""D-doesnt t-that happen to l-losers"
"No Eri, and you didn't lose.
Tomura did.""Huh...?" She paused from her crying as she looked up at izuku's warm nervous smile.
"Where did that idea even come from?"
"I-i Don't know" Eri shivered as she forced the words out.
Izuku warmly chuckled he patted her head, "you know, that's enough for today. Let's go"
He offered his hand to her.She silently nodded her head and took his hand as they walked out.
Upon making it downstairs, Inko noticed Eri's tearful eyes.
Her eyes widened as she stared daggers into Izuku's and Tomura's souls, "what happened??""We were playing hide n seek, s-she thought that getting found meant punishment" Izuku squeaked out.
Inko took her away and walked away from the scene."Do we even know what her quirk is?" Tomura whispered.
Yeah what is her quirk??"
Izuku asked, just as confused."Well it looks like we both don't know" Tomura groaned as they walked away.
Both he and izuku were looking for Kurogiri."Where could he be?"
"I dunno, haven't seen him since this morning-"
"The lab maybe?"
"Hm, maybe"
The 2 of them walked to the lab/hospital portion of their base where they found Aizawa in the middle of getting stitches.
Kurogiri was specifically trained by AFO to be able to do those things."What happened??" Tomura asked in total confusion, having forgotten the fact Chisaki was at fault.
Aizawa groaned, "chisaki."
"Right, the wounds were still open.
Well at least you're getting stitches now. Do you have any signs of infection?"
Izuku asked."No, he was lucky that he had something to wrap the wounds up with.
If they had been left open he'd most definitely need antibiotics." Kurogiri replied as he finished off the final stitch.He turned to face them, "what do you 2 need?"
Where is he?""With the Nomu as of right now."

Deadly Gifted...
Fanfiction"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing in his special case. Instead of a quirk... He was given a gift. A rather... Deadly. Gift... A Villain Deku fan...