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"So first I have to learn about his past.

I should be able to find somethings in Nezu's office.
I should probably inform Kaminari on the situation he'll be useful to me if I decide to go steal the info during lunch."


"So that's all you need me to do?" Kaminari asked.
Midoriya had finally filled him in on what the current situation was. Kaminari realized that the only real way he could help is just by keeping everyone distracted.

He didn't know how to villainize people.

"Mhm, I'll do everything else"

"Sounds good.
See you later then"

Kaminari walked off and out of the locker room.

"Hacking into the school's camera system from my phone is going to be hard but useful.
Dad taught me how to do this, it'll take a a good amount of time..."

Midoriya was alone in the locker room, after a good 10 minutes he finally managed to get into the school's camera system.
He was able to view everything.

"Nezu is in his office.
How do I get him out...? I can't steal the info with him in there.
I might have to do this at night. But I'd have to sneak out of the dormitory.
I technically could, it's just risky.

Hm, if I triggered a security alarm as of right now nezu wouldn't have a choice but to run away.
But this would be a repeat of the plan me and Tomura used at the beginning of the year.

Why does this have to be so hard.
It's annoying.

No it's trying not to get caught that's annoying.
What if I threatened Aizawa.

He can't do much about me, he knows I'm strong enough to kill him.
Dad didn't necessarily tell me HOW I had to get him on our side.

But I'd still need more information if I decided to go down that route.


This would've been easier if I just kidnapped him and brainwashed him by force.
Midoriya decided to go with his original not so original plan and triggered an alarm.

Instead of the "threat" coming from the front gates, it came from the back.
This would force everyone to escape out the front and cause chaos everywhere.

Midoriya checked the footage as the alarms blared everywhere.
"Perfect, everyone ran for the exit including Nezu.
I have enough time to run and get the info.
I need to keep this hoodie pulled up"
Midoriya bolted down the hall, up the stairs, down the hall once more, and ran into Nezu's office.

He quickly locked the door and plugged in a USB he had.
He quickly got to stealing information from Aizawa's highschool life.

It took 3 minutes but he got it.
Midoriya ripped out the USB and ran out the room, deleting footage before he did.

He ran to the lockers, changed, and ran to where the rest of the class was just in time.

The teachers were starting to herd everyone together to take role.

"Where were you Midoriya?" Sero asked.

"I dropped my stuff in the lockers when the alarm went off.
By the time I ran out I was mixed with general class" he lied.

"Good thing you're here then"

"You know what caused the alarm to go off?"

"No one does, the teachers are thinking it was an accidental malfunction in the system."

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