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"Huh???" Midoriya replied, confusion was written all over his face.

"You heard me right. As of right now, our biggest threat is your teacher.
With his ability to cancel quirks, he could easily put us in a stressful situation.

Not that we can lose to him, the issue is with things I have planned for in the future he may get in the way.
And usually I'd just tell you to kill him, but he could become a valuable asset for us in the future.

Do you understand?"

Izuku sighed, "I understand, it's just this is going to be really difficult for a last mission at UA."

"Trust me.
It won't be as difficult as you imagine."


AFO ruffled izuku's hair, "time to go"

The both of them walked out, meeting everyone else at the main base.

"We're not making this sappy.

It's gonna be weird without you here" tomura sighed as he handed him his bag.
Midoriya put it on, holding a suitcase at his side.

"I'm not leaving forever, I'm gonna visit when I have the chance"

"You didn't read the rules then huh..."
Inko said as she pulled out the email and showed it to Midoriya.

"Rule 9.
Students aren't allowed to leave campus unless accompanied by an adult."

"Can't I sneak out?"

"They do regular check ups and there are cameras..."

"Hm, well my mission is to get my teacher to become a villain.
So I'll just use him once I get him on our side."

"Still gonna take a while"

"Fair enough..."

"Keep the weapons hidden, last thing you need is to get in trouble."


Midoriya awkwardly stood, holding all of his things as kurogiri waited for the que.

"Well then.
This is goodbye until next time I guess.
See you in a month...?"
Izuku forced out a weak smile, he wasn't looking forward to leaving. Things were really nice at his home and leaving for a week was hard enough...

Tomura waved his hand as Inko Hugged izuku to the point of practically choking him.
While Inko Hugged izuku, AFO snuck something into his bag.

It was finally time to say bye and leave...

Izuku waved off as he walked into the warp gate, not to see his own family for a month...

Or longer...

No one knew.

Izuku came waltzing back into the dormitory, he walked up all the stairs just to find his room.
He didn't like the fact it was all the way on the 4th floor but it had an elevator so he wasn't exactly complaining.

Midoriya shut the door to his room and got to unpacking.

He looked around, "so they provided everyone the bulk of things they'd need, a bed, closet, nightstand, and desk.
I guess it's up to us to get everything else set up."
Midoriya even noticed a very plain bathroom, he didn't know how he'd decorate that to be exact.

Upon opening his bag, he found something he didn't notice his dad had slipped in.

It was a phone, one completely identical to his current phone.
The only difference was that there wasn't a single contact connected to anyone from the league.

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