Trumpet looked at his options, frantic.
He wasn't given the best choices.He could see the timer begin to go down, he didn't know what to choose...
"Give him information or suffer!?I don't want to suffer!
But I don't want to give him information either!...
Re-destro, geten, and curious are already dead...
Which means only skeptic and I are left to lead the army...
If I let him kill skeptic, I have the army to myself...
That's right...Sorry not sorry skeptic, but I don't want to go through pointless pain"
Trumpet confidently selected the 2nd option.Midoriya grinned, "alright, get talking.
Who else is in control of the army.""There's only 1 other person.
His name is skeptic, he's the one who hacked all the screens in Japan to display what that kid did!
There's no one else!""I see...
What's his quirk?""Anthropomorph!
He can turn human sized things into puppets!
They can look like whatever he wants!"
Trumpet screamed."Hm.
That's a pretty good quirk""I did what you asked! Please let me go!"
"Let you go?
Do I seem the type to be merciful? I haven't been evil enough I suppose.Oh wait-
Maybe I will spare you.If you tell me where skeptic is right now, I'll let you go.
Sound fair?"
Midoriya sneered."...I...
I don't k-know where he is...
He was supposed to be with re-destro!""Hold on-
Does his quirk allow for the puppets to copy the quirks of those he's using as reference?""No-
It can only copy appearances...
I mean-
Unless he's put in a dire situation where his quirk automatically upgrades itself...
But no he regularly shouldn't be able to."Midoriya let out a slight relieved sigh, "you said you don't know where he is, huh...
I guess that means I'll have to kill you."
"And did you seriously think that would save you?
It's called getting info, once you're of no use...
You die.And that's exactly what's going to happen.
After I steal your quirk."
Midoriya palmed his head as he quickly stole the quirk.Upon stealing the quirk, he planted a bomb using the quirk he stole from curious.
"Hehe, I'd be careful if I were you.
Move.And your self implode."
Midoriya grinned as he dropped him from their current height.That would be more than enough impact...
Help me!"
Trumpet screamed, but his screams were just in vain.
Upon impact, he exploded.Flesh and blood splattered everywhere, some of it managed to land on spinner.
Midoriya glanced at him, he had been staring wide eyed speechless.

Deadly Gifted...
Fanfiction"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing in his special case. Instead of a quirk... He was given a gift. A rather... Deadly. Gift... A Villain Deku fan...