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"C-can I...
Can I p-play...?" Eri asked hesitantly. Her hands were clasped together as she stared at the ground, slightly shaking.

Izuku looked up at Tomura who was looking down at him.
He sighed as he fixed himself up off the ground, "of course Eri, do you want to play a physical game like hide n seek or do you want to play something online?" Izuku asked.

"Please say physical, the only games we have right now are the ones you'd be scared of-"
Izuku and Tomura thought in unison.

Eri was a bit confused, she was only 4 and that was relatively a big word. A majority of 3 syllable words were big to her.
She was lucky that she wasn't hit with a big word like discombobulated, even though that was what she was feeling at the moment.

"Uh- like a game that needs you to move around the house?"
He tried to explain.

"Oh- um...
Y-you can p-pick" Eri didn't want to seem picky, all she wanted was to have some fun.

"Alright then Eri" izuku stood up and stretched, "let's play hide n seek"

Tomura let out a relived sigh, he was mentally sorting through the games he had searching for one that could even be allowed for a young toddler to play.

"H-how do w-we play t-that..?"

"I'll count to 20, while I'm counting you have to hide somewhere in the house.
Tomura will also be hiding, right Tomura?"
Izuku turned to face him, a strained smile paired with a fearful glare struck Tomura down.

Tomura forced out as izuku turned to face Eri again.

"The only places off limits are the rooms with silver doors. Okay?"




"You can't go into any room that doesn't have a door that looks like this"
Midoriya pointed at the wooden door of the room.

"O-oh, okay."

"Alright, 3-2-1!"

Eri ran off to go find a hiding spot as did Tomura as Izuku counted down from 20.

Upon running to the main room of the base, Eri saw some people she had not seen before.
They were league members and nonetheless they weren't anticipating her either.

A whittle cuty child!" Toga cheered as she ran to Eri's side.

She scared Eri enough to go into a full Sprint up the stairs.

"Who is she?" Spinner asked, confused as ever.

"Shes the girl Midoriya and eraserhead rescued yesterday night. I accidentally scared her, awe man..." Toga said in slight disappointment.

"Why was she even running to begin with?"

Shortly, Tomura could be seen speed walking out of the living room in search of a hiding spot.
He went behind the counter and crawled into the cabinet.

And shortly after that they could hear izuku's count down.

"They're hiding from him, why...?
Should we hide too??"

"And 1.
Ready or not.
Here I come"
Izuku walked out of the living room and to the main base where everyone was frozen in fear.

"Why are you all staring as if I've come to kill you all?" He asked a bit confused as he checked himself for any weapons he was potentially accidentally holding.

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