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"I know where he is"
Hawks spilled.

Dabi's eyes widened, "really? And you of all people would just hand that information out like candy?
Maybe you are serious. Let's see, I'll message Silencer first and see what his move is.

If this is a trap to figure out where the base is, you'll be burned.
If this is any kind of trap you'll be burned.
Don't be an idiot."
He sneered as he pulled out his phone and messaged izuku.

"I wouldn't give out info like this if I planned on betraying the league"
Hawks sighed.

"Yeah yeah that's what they all say"

"I got info that could help"
"Really? Not even responding, quit leaving me on read."
"Smh, fine I was gonna give you info on how to find Monoma but I guess you don't want it"


"That sure got your attention-
Now I'm not exactly sure if Hawks here is telling the truth but everything he said so far seems logical."


"Let me finish before you ask questions-
He came up to me and said he wants to betray the commission and that he knows where Monoma is and if we let him join that he'd give it to us."

"Bring him, more specifically call kurogiri.
I'll be waiting.
Tell him that I know when he's lying and I'll kill him on the spot if it turns out to be false"


"You got the okay to come to base, but Silencer did want me to warn you.
If you're planning on lying about anything, fly away now.
No matter how good of a liar you think you are, nothing escapes him. He'll kill you on the spot"
Dabi chuckled as he texted kurogiri his exact coordinates.

Hawks nodded his head, "I already said...
I don't plan on betraying you."

"Mhm, but before you can go into this warp gate.
1 thing."


"Your phone.
Throw it now. And any technology you could have on you"

Even though AFO made sure that no one could be tracked through technology as soon as they stepped foot on base, he didn't like to take chances either.

"I see..."
Hawks groaned as he took his phone and walkie-talkies out and flew away with his feathers.

"Alright good.
Now let's go"

The entered the warp gate that had been waiting for them.

Upon entrance, izuku could be seen death staring the warp gate.
He had been seated on the couch, he had personally instructed kurogiri to warp them where he had been seated.

"Take a seat" izuku ordered sternly, signalling for Hawks to sit across from him.
I want you to exit."


Dabi walked out with no complaints.
Midoriya sighed as he pulled out a gun, he cocked it and aimed it right at Hawks's head.

"This'll splatter your brains before you even have a chance to react. This is the same gun I've used to kill Bakugo and I won't mind giving it the title of having killed you too.

If I catch a lie even mid-sentence, I will shoot.

You have to be 100% honest about everything you say, or I will shoot.

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