Taking the Bait

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All might stood, purely upset. Aizawa nodded his head, "we know. Currently Tsukauchi is investigating where they could've gone.
He has a plan"

"This is horrible...
How did they find the camp to begin with?" All might asked, rage fueling him.

"We don't know.
That's the problem"

"Disgusting villains"


Midoriya was vibing at the base, flicking a pocket knife in hand.

"That's the pocket knife you bought at the mall"

"The mall?" Midoriya looked back at the pocket knife, forgetting where he had gotten it.

"Yeah, last week Friday.
How'd you forget"

"Oh yeah-"

Flash back-
The mall-

It was Friday, during school.
Aizawa had taken them on a mini field trip to let them get things they'd need for the camp trip.

Midoriya walked into a mini store for things for basic camping.
Inside he found a pocket knife that he took to his liking, he decided to buy it.

After buying it, he went to chill around the mall. There wasn't much to do and he didn't feel like awkwardly sitting with Aizawa.

However suddenly someone covered his eyes.
Midoriya panicked and almost stabbed this someone with the pocket knife that happened to be in his clutches.

And that's when he found out he almost stabbed Tomura.

"What the hell izuku"

"That was instinct, you're fault for scaring me"

"I wouldn't have if I knew you had that"

"You would've gotten punched."

Flash end-

"How'd you even forget that??? You almost stabbed me"

"It's not the first time."

The league couldn't bother to tune in to their conversation any further, things no longer made sense in their heads and they decided the best way to remain clear minded on what exactly was going on.

Izuku yawned, "I'm going to sleep, too tired for this"


"there's supposed to be a press conference today right?" 
Midoriya yawned, he had just rolled out of bed.

"Yeah, after some spying we figured out they also know our location"
Shigaraki replied.

He knew what he meant by "spying"
Kaminari had spilled the beans.

He hummed in response as he went to go take a shower.
Though he was stopped.

"You can't shower"


"You'll be too clean for someone being held captive"

Midoriya groaned, he hated the feeling of being icky. Missing 1 shower every once in a while wasn't a big deal, shat has made him feel icky was the fact that the night before he had sweat a lot and was In a forest.
He was actually dirty.

Though shigaraki was right, he didn't have much of a choice.
It would be odd to smell and look good after being kidnapped by evil villains.

Suspicious at most.

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