"It'll be interesting all right"
Kaminari chuckled.A warp gate appeared and took the both of them away.
"Here's your money chargebolt" Inko said as she handed him the bag of money he had stolen.
"I get to keep it?"
"It's a rule here that the money we got from stealing is our money.
So yeah""Nice!"
_________________________________________"Breaking news. Local bank robbed and 10 found murdered.
Police this morning are finding millions of yen completely stolen!
With the names "Chargebolt" and "Silencer" found with the crime.Police know of the villain with the name of chargebolt, they're notorious for leaving their victims with an electric bolt on their neck after killing them.
However, Silencer is a new one. And it seems they're working with chargebolt.No one knows why they robbed a bank together and killed 10 people total, though police are suspecting a team up between the 2.
It also turns out, Silencer isn't a new villain.
Silencer is the same villain that killed people with the use of knives and or guns for years now.
This also solves the case of who killed the Kuro family.But now there's a bigger question.
Why did the villain NOW decide to give the police to call them by and why are they working with chargebolt?
No one knows...
Heroes and police are working hard to find who the 2 villains are." The news reported.
Aizawa shut the TV off, he stared back at the class he had been showing the news to.
"Do any of you know why I'm showing this to you?"
Aizawa asked.Everyone remained silent as they felt some stress bare down on them.
"You all will be leaving this school as top heroes.
Villains like these 2 are leaving both heroes and police struggling.
You all have to train hard, no slacking, considering how recent these villains are.
If the current police and heroes can't take them down, you all will be.No one knows what these 2 are aiming for, they didn't even steal all the money they could've stolen yesterday.
And it is because of this that makes the 2 extremely dangerous.
Now, even though fighting villains is what heroes generally do we also have to remember to rescue people.
Which means helping the people directly.And that segways into next week's lesson.
I'm telling you in advance so you're prepared.
Next week you're all going to the USJ for rescue training."
The class nodded their head, a new flame of determination lit beneath them.
Midoriya had to hold back a smirk as he watched Aizawa move on to the next lesson.
Soon, lunch came in.Kaminari and Midoriya were walking together to get to the lunchroom.
"Looks like the debut worked nicely" he whispered.
Midoriya nodded his head, "considering we're going to the USJ pretty soon, dad probably has a mission for us."
"I won-"
"Hey Kaminari!" Sero said as he caught up with the both of them.
"Hey Sero!" Kaminari said, switching acts.

Deadly Gifted...
Fanfiction"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing in his special case. Instead of a quirk... He was given a gift. A rather... Deadly. Gift... A Villain Deku fan...