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"I just released high end"
AFO replied as he stood by the doorway.

"Oh, I got to go right?" Izuku asked as he stood up.


He nodded his head as he walked out with him, it was time to get serious.

"I want you to just watch, when high-end has either won or lost I want you to get it back to base."

"So by watch I assume you mean analyze if it's different from our regular Nomu?"


Izuku nodded his head as he quickly got into his villain outfit and was warped to Tokyo.


"Why did you drag me out here, Hawks?" Endeavor asked as he drank some water.

The sun had began to set, nighttime was soon to dawn upon them.

"I have some important things to discuss." Hawks paused as he bit into his chicken Yakitori.  "1.
My intern went missing. I have to find him, he wasn't in the best state last I recall and knowing who he is...
He's going to do something reckless.

Aside from the league we have another problem coming up. I can't go into exact details however..."
Hawks signalled that he was being watched as he pointed to his wings and pretended to zip his lips.

"I see.
Now about your intern, what exactly are you worried about? What do you think he'll do?"

"...he might try to go after the league and get killed In the process."

"The heroes are struggling to find them, I doubt he'll be able to find them before u-"
Endeavor was cut off when in a close distance, something could be seen speeding up rapidly headed in their direction.

Endeavor quickly stood up but it was too late.
High-end shattered the window and pounced on him.

"HAWKS, YOU PROTECT THE PEOPLE" he shouted as endeavor dragged high-end outside to fight.

Midoriya watched in the distance from Tokyo tower with some binoculars.

Endeavor struggled as high-end tackled him to the ground and started to punch him over and over,nonstop.

Endeavor groaned as he grabbed it's head and blasted it with his flames, however high-end had amazing regenerative abilities so it hardly worked...

It sprung back to it's feet and crushed the ground below it.
Endeavor tried to tackle it once again but it ducked and threw a metal pipe at his face.

It shot upward, almost gouging out his left eye.
It hardly missed, but it would leave a major scar there for the rest of his life.

People in the background panicked as they went running, Hawks tried to help endeavor to his best ability but he was more preoccupied with helping the innocent civilians.

"Oooo that'll leave a nasty scar" Midoriya laughed as he continued to watch the scene.

The Nomu pounced on endeavor but he blocked and grabbed the Nomu's torso.
"The only way I'll be able to defeat it is if I go all out, but there are too many people...

So I'll have to take to the sky"
Endeavor thought to himself as he felt himself start to reach his limit.

He dragged the Nomu high into the sky,
He received a punch to the face multiple times but he ignored it. There was too much at stake to go back now...

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