Oh. Oh? OH!

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Midoriya's eyes widened, well this was unexpected...
"I don't even have to threaten him, he plans on shutting down UA himself anyways.

Using Oboro as some extra leverage will help even more.
This is pe-"
He was cut off when his phone went off, his dad had messaged him with all the information of their past.

"This'll be the last piece I need.

I'll be able to strike."


It was his final year of High school, life was great for the most part.
He had 2 friends, though he wouldn't ever admit that he was friends with the 2 rays of sunshine.

Yamada Hisashi and Oboro Shikamuro were the 2 rays of sunshine that made Aizawa's day brighter.

"When we graduate college we should make a hero agency, all 3 of us!" Oboro smiled.
Aizawa just silently nodded his head, despite the fact he was in a "hero" school in a "hero" course....
He didn't want to be a hero.

He actually couldn't stand heroes...
With everything they had done. It was their faults that he lost his older sister.

He had never known her well, when he was 5 she was in college.

Though it pained him to find out that she had died in yet another hero accident... He never even had the chance to see her.

When his parents were sad, it made him feel even worse.

One day, class 3-A was assigned to go on a hero training trip.
They wouldn't be home for 2 weeks again they'd be training with top heroes of the time.

Aizawa had dreaded the trip but seeing his friends happy made him happy too so he wasn't really complaining.

That was...

Until the accident happened.

A villain had attacked while they were with the heroes.
In a pathetic attempt to stop the villains, the heroes used their quirk against the entire building.

"OBORO!!! WATCH OU-" Aizawa tried pushing his friend out of the way...

But it was too late.

A chunk of the building crushed him to death, killing him instantly. nothing was bringing him back...

Aizawa sustained an arm injury but that pain didn't even match what he was emotionally feeling.
He was so stunned that he couldn't even move.

His best friend...

Was dead.

All because of the heroes.

Aizawa ended up passing out, not only from the emotional trauma but he had lost a lot of blood.

When he woke up it was as if the world had turned eternally gray, he plainly stared off at the wall.
Solemn tears streamed down his face, 1 at a time...
Before a rainstorm of them poured out.

"Reckless heroes...
Stupid heroes...
This is their fault...
This is UA's fault...

It's because of them that Oboro Shikamuro is dead...
It's their fault I never got to meet my sister.

All of this...

Is the heroes fault."


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