"He cancels quirks doesn't he?" Twice spoke up.
The league turned to face Aizawa as if he were some celebrity that had just made an appearance.
"Hm that would be smart. That way if he complains about it not being Twice we'll be able to figure out his real intentions right then and there.
If he doesn't complain about Aizawa to remain innocent, we have a backup plan in case he ever does try anything.
It's perfect" Izuku grinned as he put his notebook away.
"How are you going to confirm with him?" Toga asked a bit confused.
"We'll message him first, tomorrow (if he agrees at least) I'll go to his base and live there until I can execute my plan"
"Makes sense"
This is shigaraki""Have you finally made your decision?"
"Yes but with 1 single objection"
"And that is?"
"Instead of twice, I want to send eraserhead In his place."
Though I expect him and your brother by tomorrow exactly at 8am.""Fine"
Izuku held a small suitcase by his side as did Aizawa.
Kurogiri was going to warp them to the alleyway location, though a bit earlier than expected.
"See you all eventually" Midoriya smiled as he walked away.
Aizawa joined behind him into the warp gate where they wouldn't be seeing the rest of the league for a good while.They stood within a dark alleyway, it was now just time to wait.
Aizawa sighed, "who exactly are we saving in this process...?"
"It's a little girl, you'll see why she needs saving as soon as we make it to the base."
"Right, now that woman. She was the masquerade but-
I've met her before""Yeah, dormitory stuff. She's my mom."
"That being said, who did you speak to when it came to Kaminari's permission for dorming?"
"His older brother... Why do you ask-?"
Midoriya held back a chuckle as he walked around in circles, "his older brother huh?"
"Wait this being brought up, Kaminari spends a lot of time at the league's base.
Are his parents villains too or...?""His parents are dead.
Also.He doesn't have an older brother. That was him in a disguise, how didn't you pick up on it-?"
"You know that explains why his voice sounded oddly forced...
Do you know how his parents died? Is it the reason he's a villain?"
"Oh no, I know exactly how his parents died. But it's more of, they're the reason he is a villain. They abused him. Not to mention they were constantly drunk, They were the ones that drove him off his mental edge"
"Oh...but then how did they die?"
"I killed them, but it was way before I even met Kaminari.
He wasn't too upset about their deaths so I'm not worried about him finding out I killed them."

Deadly Gifted...
أدب الهواة"I'm quirkless and you're all still struggling against me, how Pathetic!" Izuku was born quirkless but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing in his special case. Instead of a quirk... He was given a gift. A rather... Deadly. Gift... A Villain Deku fan...