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Eventually, they got their groceries and made a return back to UA where Monoma had a lengthy meeting with Bakugo.

"What did you discover?"

"...that lying to him is near impossible"

"What did you reveal???!"

"Nothing! Dang, so quick to assume."

"You said it as if he discovered something idiot, now explain??"

"Well, 1.
He has a keen eye like you said... He saw right through my lies, granted I couldn't exactly spew out a proper lie cause I couldn't lie to him...

He figured out how to corner me. I don't know how, but he managed to bring up my interests and then somehow how we're working together. He then asked how we're even getting along.

I tried lying to him twice and he then hit me with the "it's too embarrassing to talk about" kind of talk and that he wouldn't judge. Which made lying even harder.

It was then where I couldn't respond, my mind went blank...
It felt like he was able to read it, like I couldn't get anything past him...

Like I was just some kind of puppet and be was tugging at the strings.
Are you sure he's quirkless..."

"Definitely quirkless... At least I think so. I don't even know at this point.

So basically, stupid Deku managed to corner you through words alone. That's what your saying?"

"Tch, yes."
Monoma rolled his eyes.

"I think that just comes with being a 2 faced liar.

So all in all, you didn't get anything valuable?"

But he might have."

"You just figuring that out??" Bakugo sighed, "it doesn't matter... Even if he is a villain what will we do? He managed to corner you and didn't even phase through an act.  It's useless.

Let's just hope that he isn't a villain..."

"Yeah... doubt he's a villain anyways..."

Just a 2 faced reject."

Shudders went down their spines as their imagination ran wild as to what Midoriya could really be...

Monoma walked out and encountered Midoriya far down the hall near the stairwell.
He had been leaning against the wall using his phone.

Monoma felt the blood drain from his face, Midoriya could run pretty fast...
For all he knew, Midoriya could've been listening in on the conversation he was having with Bakugo...

"Hey Monoma!" Midoriya smiled as he sent a final text and shoved his phone into his pocket.

"Hello Midoriya, what're doing here?"

"My room is on this floor?"


"Today's grocery shopping was nice, we should do it more often don't you think?"

"What is he doing? Mocking me?"
"Uhm... Uh, sure..."

"I kinda made a mistake about who you are as a person you know? You and Kacchan are the only people to have experienced my passive aggressiveness."
Midoriya warmly smiled as he explained.

Monoma grew uneasy as he froze in his steps.
Midoriya stood off the wall and stretched, "I only acted the way I did cause you were being rude. But today I saw a different side of you and I realized back then you were just being competitive.
So, sorry. Hope we can be friends"
He made eye contact with him and flashed his smile, he stuck out his hand in a peace offering.

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