Chapter 6

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We arrived to a nice restaurant in Miami. It was a big white building with lots of lights. There was a lot of tables outside with a nice view of the beach. I really like it here in Miami.

"This is too nice for us to eat at. Especially Taylor," Nash said looking at the building.

"Come on guys we have an reservation," Bart said.

We followed the hostess to a table in a private room towards the back of the building. I sat down in a seat next to Matt and Taylor. Across from me was Shawn.

"I don't know what I want to get. It is all so expensive," Johnson mumbled.

The menu had endless options for food and drink, but for me I could easily figure out what I wanted.

"I already know what I am getting," I said setting the menu down on the table.

"That was quick! Can you please help me figure out what I should get," Taylor whined until I gave in.

"Fine! Do you want a type of pasta or meat?" I asked him.

"I WANT STEAK!" He yelled.

I smacked the back of his head while whispering to him," be quiet they will kick us out."

"Sorry, it is just meat is THE BAE," he said with his hands up in defeat.

After our waiter came and we ordered our food and drinks we got free breadsticks.

"Cameron!" Taylor yelled while throwing a piece of bread at him.

Cameron went to look at Taylor, but instead a chunk of bread hit him by his nose. It face was very confused until he looked down at the chunk of bread.

"Oh oh you are going to regret that!" Cam yelled.

I didn't want to look up because I was to embarrassed. I knew they were going to start a food fight soon. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt a piece of bread fly down my shirt. I quickly jumped up out of my seat in shock. I stood up to fast because a cup of water spilled all over Matt.


He got up from his seat looking terrified. "I di-didn't mean to! I was aiming for Taylor! I promise! Please Maddie you have to believe me!" At this point he was cornered. I turned around and picked up Aaron's salad and turned to Cameron.

"What are you going to do with that?" Cameron said pointing at the salad. I quickly grabbed Cam's pants in the front and dumped the salad and the bowl in them.

"IT'S SLIMY!" Cam yelled jumping. I turned around facing the table, but none of the boys or girls were sitting down. They were all in the other corner as a group looking terrified. I picked up a glass of water to take a drink, but before I could take a drink Carter spoke.

"Put the water down so no body gets hurt. Just think about what you are going to do," Carter shakily said while using his hands to motion for me to drop the drink.

I lifted the water and took a drink. "I just needed a drink you dork."

the waiter came back in with our food and sat them in our seats. None of the boys or girls sat down at the table besides me. I reached for my fork to take a bite of my pasta, but I froze.

"Sit down and eat guys," i said. No one listened. "Sit," I said more sternly and everybody obeyed. I turned towards Matt, "Is everybody afraid of me?" I asked.

"A little. You kinda scared us when you poured Caesar salad down Dallas's pants."

"You guys just don't throw food at me, and I won't hurt you," I said with a chuckle. Everyone else laughed too.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now