Chapter 19

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I watched Matt set up his camera in his hotel room. He only wanted me in here while he makes the announcement just in case he brakes down I can help him. About an hour ago he made a snap chat and started crying.

"Are you ready?" I asked standing behind the camera. He nodded his head. "If you want me to say it just tell me, or if you want me to pause the camera say pause." He just responded with a nod. "Okay in 3..2..1"

"Hey what's up guys. I have some news to tell you guys. It is kinda hard for me to say this." He paused. His eyes started watering.

"Do you want me to pause?" I whispered.

He shook his head no.

"We are no longer continuing with Magcon. I have been getting so much hate lately, and his has been breaking me. I know forget about the haters they are just words, but these words get to me and the other guys. My sister and I plus a couple of other guys have decided to quit. Magcon will still be continuing with some new people. Just remember nothing will change our family bond. Magcon is just a name for our family. No matter what we are a family. Unfortunately tonight was our last event. That is why we went all out for the meet and greet. I know hearing this news is hard, but imagine how I feel telling it." He sniffled a little. "I am trying so hard not to cry. I feel like I have tried my hardest to ignore the hate, but none of it is good enough. I love all my supporters out there. Eventually I hope to go on tour again with another group just for a couple stops after I get better. Till then I love you guys thank you for the great experience I will never forget." And with that I stopped it. Matt just put his head in his lap crying.

"Hey don't cry." I cooed taking him into my arms rubbing his back. I rocked him gently until he fell asleep. He asked me to edit the video tweet about it being up and post it before he fell asleep. Of course after tucking him in and giving him a kiss on his forehead I did exactly that.

"Hey love!" Shawn said as I walked into my room.

I didn't say anything back. I just let out a huge sigh falling onto my bed.

"Stressful?" He asked sitting next to me. He started rubbing small circles into my back with his thumb to relax me.

"Very. I hate seeing him cry. It is so hard not to cry because I have to be the strong person.." I whined.

"Hopefully soon he goes back to being his normal smiley Matt." Shawn yawned. I know he is tired because it is late. We both fell asleep talking to each other which I don't mind.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now