Chapter 9

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"Shawn...." I took a pause not knowing what to say. I look over at Matt to see Matt still staring from the bushes. He gave me two thumbs up, and I looked back at Shawn.

If I say no I will regret it, but if I say yes I will get so much hate. But if this is what if feels like, something great, then it can overpower all of the negative things people will say. It's all going to be worth it because I see so much love in our future. I can see us together and happy.

"Yes Shawn!" I yelled jumping into his arms.

"Oh my gosh! Took you long enough!" Matt yelled. Shawn and I laughed at Matt.

"I am so glad you said yes, for a second you worried me with that long pause!" He said acting like he was wiping sweat from his forehead. At this point he had his arms wrapped around my waist, and my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I could never say no to you," after I said that he kissed me. It was a short kiss, but it was pasionate like it meant a lot.

"Awwww!" Mahogany squealed walking over.

"Wait hold on I have to tell someone before you guys announce it!" I yelled pulling out my phone to message Carolina.

Me- Hey! Well do you remember when I told you if something happens between Shawn and I, I would tell you first thing?

Carolina- Yeah of course!

Me- Well he just asked me to be his girlfriend! I just wanted to let you know, but I have to go. Talk to you later XOXO

Carolina- That is fantastic! I am tweeting #Shadisyn, and yeah talk to you later XOXO

I slid my phone in to my pocket, and looked up at Shawn. He was perfect, and I can finally call him all mine. He is my boyfriend and could be the one big thing I need in my life to make me feel worthy and happy.

"You guys can post it in a couple minutes I want to announce it first," I told them. "Aaron will you take a picture of us together please?" I asked

"Sure!" He said running towards us. I handed him my phone and walked over to Shawn.

"I want to kiss you for the picture," he said smiling.

"Whatever you want," I said smiling back. Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then slowly kissed my lips. I could feel his soft lips press against mine. We finally pulled away after we heard Aaron say he got it.

"Thank you!" I said grabbing my phone. The picture was perfect. It is now going to be all my profile pictures.

Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: I have something to tell you guys. It is very important, and I hope you guys don't get mad at anyone. A lot of people have been telling me Shawn and I should date. Well, Shadisyn is official! I hope you still love us, and accept our choice. Love you guys! Xoxo

I added the photo onto the tweet. Three minutes haven't even gone by and #Shadisyn was trending again. This time it was official.

"So can I take my girlfriend out for ice cream before we go back to the hotel?" Shawn asked emphasizing girlfriend.

I love the way the word rolls off his tongue gave me butterflies. He is now calling me his, and I can call him mine. Honestly I can't believe this is all happening. If somebody would of told me that I would be touring with amazing people, singing for a crowd, and dating a social media hunk I would of denied, denied, denied.

"What if I said no," I said winking.

"Earlier you said you couldn't say no to me," he replied picking me up bridal style.

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