Chapter 50 Last Chapter

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Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: That letter was Handwritten. You wrote what you wanted to say.

"Come on get in before the Australians arrive!" Niall begged resting on a floaty.

"No I am going to greet them dry. So if any of you throw me in that will be the last time you ever do anything."

They all backed away slowly. That is what I thought. I am feeling kinda nervous and uneasy about everything. Is Harry right? Should I cry? I feel so emotionless right now because I am not moping and crying like my last breakups. I guess with all the experiences I learned teenage relationships never last.  Should I be nervous about meeting 5 Seconds of Summer though? Harry says they are really nice and down to Earth, but can be a little crazy. I mean I am use to being surrounded by crazy teenagers all day long.

"THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" Michael yelled running through the door. He was only carrying his towel while the rest of them were bringing in drinks. You can tell he likes to help out a lot.

Note the sarcasm.

"The famous Madisyn. Gosh it is so nice to finally meet you!" Michael shouted hugging me.

"It is so nice to meet you too," I laughed. Calum approached me next.

"It is lovely to finally meet you. So you are the only girl here? Isn't that weird since there are a lot of guys?" He asked confused looking around.

If you think about it I am constantly surrounded by guys. "No I am always surrounded by a whole bunch of guys. Some times there is two other girls." I haven't spoken with Mahogany in a while. Well I have texted her, but I haven't seen her in person. He made a understanding face, and greeted everybody else.

The real reason I have the One Direction over is because the music video I was in gets released today. They wanted 5 Seconds of Summer to come over so I can meet them.

"Hello I am Ashton, and can I just say we have watched all of your videos and we are big fans of you. Especially Luke. Just don't mention it to him because he blushes a lot." Ashton said embracing me in a hug.

"You are a fan of me? That is so funny because I am a huge fan of you," I laughed.

After we finished talking the only one I have to talk to is Luke, and to tell you the truth he is my favorite of the band.  In person he is so handsome.

And I am digging the lip piercing.

"Hi I am Luke. It is so nice to meet you," he said confidently. I laughed a little to my self because of how confident he is.

"I am Madisyn it is nice to meet you."

We went and joined everyone else, but I didn't get in the pool like everyone else did.

"Madisyn! You said when they got here you would get in!" Niall whined.

"I am going to wait till the video comes out, so I can tweet about it. Let's listen to some music." I plugged my phone into the Aux cord. Let me think what song? I pushed shuffle on my 5 Seconds of Summer/One Direction playlist. I though it would be fun to listen to them you know since they are all here. The first song that came on was Rock Me. What a classic song.

"Harry get up here, and dance with me!" I begged standing by the edge of the pool.

He did as I said, and stood next to me.

"I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me!" We sung as we danced.

The cool thing about where we are standing is we get a view of the hills. We are on kinda of a cliff, and there is small mountains like hills with a whole bunch of other houses on them.

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