Chapter 21

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-3 weeks later-

It has been three weeks since Magcon has ended. Let me fill you in with everything. The day after I got home Jake tried texting me again asking me to go on a date with him. I told him to leave me alone. Then Amber started doing her bitchy thing again. I talked to my school about graduating, and they said I have can graduate this year with Matt. (Lets pretend he is graduating. In the story he is 18 about to turn 19.) Two weeks after we move to California we have to come back for Prom and Graduation. I don't think I am going to Prom because I don't want to go without Shawn. Matt has been getting better lately. Shawn and I have been talking as much as we can since he is always busy. Some days he won't have time so the most we do is tweet I miss you or something to each other. Today his new single come out on itunes. I have already listened to it, and let's just say I am obsessed. Life of the Party... In 3 days I am moving to California with my second family. I am so excited for it.

"Yo Baby Sis!" Matt yelled walking in my room. "How much more do you have to pack?"

"I just have to pack up my desk and vanity stuff. Then you can send off of the rest of my stuff with the movers." I responded throwing my cosmetics in a box.

"Well I was thinking how about we go buy you a new desk and vanity." He smiled.

"Really right now?" I asked.

"Yess let's go!" He laughed running downstairs.

I followed him out to his car, and we drove to IKEA.

"I want a big vanity that wraps around the wall, and can hold lots of cosmetics." I said using weird hand motions.

"Okay let us go to the desk section!" He yelled running towards the back.

I followed him into the back looking at the different desk. They had dark, black, light brown, white, and so many more colors.

"I want a white vanity because I want my room to be bright!" I informed Matt.

I looked around for about five minutes till Matt called my name. I walked over to where he was.

"How about this one?" He asked pointing to a white vanity. It was white and tall with two doors on each side of the actual mirror and desk.

"Matt is it perfect!" I yelled hugging him.

"Lets go pay for it. I wonder if they can ship it to our house in California." He wondered.

"Matt I still need to look for a desk." I laughed.

"I already bought you one. It should be there anytime Nash and Cam are moving in tomorrow to buy the furniture and stuff like that." He said proudly.

"You are truly the best brother in the world!" I laughed.

He payed for my vanity, and we left to our car.

"Brother sister date?" He laughed.

"Brother sister date." I repeated smiling.

He buckled up, and we drove to a Pizza Palace down the street.

"Oh my gosh I have been wanting this pizza for ever!" I yelled jumping out of my seat towards the buildings front door.

"Hello welcome to Pizza Palace table for two?" The host asked.

"Yes please under Matthew Espinosa." I politely said.

Matt came through the door laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"How excited you got when we pulled up." He chuckled.

"Matthew table of two!" The host yelled through the crowded room.

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now